
Progesterone check

they wanted me to come in a week after my iui for a progesterone test. Really hoping I don't need those suppositories.

Re: Progesterone check

  • So since I'm going away for the weekend and don't have my results yet they gave me some samples of the vaginal suppositories with some instructions and it sounds so gross. Really hoping I don't need them.
  • Just wanted to say good luck, I never used the suppositories, I only used shots.  Have you asked them about the pills instead?
    Me - 32 
    Husband - 32
    TTC #1 - since 10/16/2012 
    IVF#1 6/2015 BFN 
    FET 7/2015 - BFP

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  • Honestly it's not terrible. Which ones did they give you??
    Me: 40  
    TTC #1: 3 years
    Me: Type II Diabetic
    Started with RE 11/2014
    Going through IUI with Donor Sperm

  • I got crinone 8%. @Cupcakegal930
  • @Drove2u  I was just on crinon's not the most fun/pleasant thing but it wasn't horrible either..good luck
  • It's not that bad at all I promise. It's nothing to be concerned over. If you need them you need them and it will be a good thing that they figured it out because if you needed extra support and didn't have if and were pregnant you could lose your baby. Best of luck to you.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Thanks @rachlee2010 I will find out in 3 hours if I need it.
  • Agree with PPs, the aren't too bad and if it'll help you and your little one, it's a small fix.
    I would suggest picking up for thin panty liners to start wearing just for extra protein case they cause you to leak a little.
    Also, it could be worse, they could have started you on daily progesterone injections, which are not fun at all! Good luck!
    ***Trying to conceive since 9/12- m/c 2/13 from natural conception.
    IVF success 10/14 with m/c 11/14. FET success 4/15***

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  • My progesterone was excellent!! So no suppositories for me!! Yeah!!!
  • I had my ER yesterday and I'm supposed to start progesterone suppositories tonight and keep taking them until (God giving) 10weeks pregs. Sounds like fun. I've taken the suppositories before, but they were the "rocket" shaped ones. These are small little capsules. Yeah, would definitely suggest panty liners. It can get gross. I don't think I have an issue, I think it's just part of their protocol. If it helps I'm cool with it.
    Married for 4 years. TTC for 3.
    Me: 38 DH: 39
    DX: Unexplained Infertility; found a few fibroids this time around during SIS

    March 2012: Clomid for 3 cycles  3 BFNs
    Sept. 2013: started injectables (Follistim, Ovidrel Trigger) IUI BFN

    May 2015: New RE. Going IVF. Tests, Tests, Tests 
    July 2015: Microdose Lupron 20u am & pm, Follistim 150iu 75iu am, Menapur 150iu 75iu pm
    Triggered 8/4 ER 8/6 ET 8/11 2 beautiful blastocysts; 2WW
    8/19 hpt BFP! Beta 8/25: 482
    2nd Beta 9/1......3707
    U/S 9/21: 1 beautiful little gummy bear

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Thats great @drove2u
    Me - 32 
    Husband - 32
    TTC #1 - since 10/16/2012 
    IVF#1 6/2015 BFN 
    FET 7/2015 - BFP

      Pregnancy Ticker
  • Awesome! Suppositories were pretty nasty!
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