
Lazy nurser

edited August 2015 in Breastfeeding
LO Is a week old now and is a very lazy nurser. He will nurse for 5 minutes and start to refuse to continue (falling asleep or looking around, or just sitting without sucking). After burping him I can get him to nurse about 5 minutes on the other side. I am getting engorged because he is never really emptying the breasts. I have tried taking his clothes off, tickling his feet, put a wet cloth on him, diaper changes to wake him up. I've even tried pumping before nursing in case the engorgement is making latching hard for him. Nothing seems to get him to nurse for longer and then I wind up spending an hour trying to get him to eat longer. He can also go 2-3 hours between feedings even when only nursing for these short amounts of times. He appears to be gaining weight and has 5-7 wet and dirty diapers a day. Any advice/suggestions/experiences?

Re: Lazy nurser

  • Having a lazy nurser is no fun, especially when your trying to get a good supply established. You really want to aim for 8-10 wet diapers in a 24 hr period and 6-8 dirty, just so you have an a goal in mind. Was he born early? And were you medicated? Sometimes, babies born early can be unmotivated because their sucking reflexes just aren't there yet, so you have to work a little harder the first weeks to get them to really get down to business. Medication can also be a reason why baby is sleepy and uninterested in feeding, I had an epidural and noticed this with my first son for the first few days. 

    It sounds like you are doing all the right things trying to keep him at the breast, keep burping him if thats working! You can also try to massage your breast and make the milk flow a little quicker after letdown to keep him sucking (this always helps), undressing him completely and stimulating him, also changing positions (from cradle hold to football to laidback, etc.). 

    I know that it seems like you are stuck on the couch a lot, but trust me, it gets better and soon! Its super important to continue to motivate him as you get your supply established so you don't wind up with low supply from a lazy nurser. Easier said then done, I know and I feel for you!

    It would be very beneficial to find and contact your local LC and/or La Leche League leaders to see if they can give you more insight, and don't wait! They want to help you, but you have to ask first ;) 
  • I'm having the same issues!!!
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