
Out of pocket expenses for IVF?

i was just curious. Have any of you paid out of pocket for the full amount of IVF? I was curious to know the ranges that people have paid. We paid out of pocket for the iui and know that IVF is super expensive. Just asking out of curiosity and hope we don't get to that option but wanted to know.

Re: Out of pocket expenses for IVF?

  • Wicked4589Wicked4589 member
    edited August 2015
    My insurance covered it but the clinic I went to charges $12,000 per cycle and that includes the meds. But obviously that is an estimate on the meds because everyone is different.
  • My clinic charged $13,000 for IVF not including the meds. Meds are around $6000 but that can vary from person to person. There are programs to get rebates though.
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