
Have you changed your lifestyle already?

so I've been thinking if/once I do get pregnant I can't party anymore but what do you do in the meanwhile? I'm actually throwing a party at my summer house this weekend. To drink or not to drink? My thoughts are I won't be able to drink for at least a year once I am pregnant so might as well have fun but on the other side I don't want to mess anything up since I'm going through this process.

Re: Have you changed your lifestyle already?

  • I am curious to hear others' answers as well! I have adjusted, but not completely changed. For one thing, I hate to go out with a group and have someone ask why I am not having a glass of wine. That's just not a conversation that I want to get in to at the dinner table. So, I have lessened, but am not abstaining. I tried internet researching to see what other people said because I was worried about it not long ago and it looked like the more normal people could be while doing their treatment, the better. If there's someone with contradicting info though, I am willing to change :-) 
  • My issue is that I really don't drink that often. Since I've started the clomid I've only drank once but boy did I knock down that wine. And then this weekend will be a heavy drinking weekend for my friends. It's hard for me just to have one glass of wine. Lol
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  • Put ice in it or soda water :-) No one will notice and you will remain well hydrated as a side benefit :) 
  • It's red wine. Lol
  • I started fertility treatments in February and I stopped drinking. Occasionally I would have a glass of wine to calm my nerves but only if I wasn't stimming.
    Married since 2013, TTC since 2/2014
    Me : 32 with DOR 
     DH: 35 with 0% morphology 

    IVF #1 with ICSI 2/15- Banked 3 embryos
    IVF #2 with ICSI 3/15: Banked 2 embryos
    IVF #3 with ICSI 4/15: Banked 1 embryo
    IVF #4 with ICSI 6/15: Banked 1 embryo
    FET #1: 7/25: Waiting for Beta results 

  • I've had a hard time deciding what to do also. I've cut back, but haven't cut out wine completely. I don't drink my vodka sprites anymore
  • My doctors told me I didn't have to stop drinking. After my transfers they told me not to drink. However throughout the rest of the process it was okay. I made the decision to cut back. So if I was out I would have one drink sometimes not even finish it. I think everything in moderation. No one knows how long they are going to be on this journey and some days you might just need one to relax. As far as IUI I don't know how it would interact with those medications.
    Me - 32 
    Husband - 32
    TTC #1 - since 10/16/2012 
    IVF#1 6/2015 BFN 
    FET 7/2015 - BFP

      Pregnancy Ticker
  • I started this IVF cycle mid July so I quit drinking like a week before. I have had a couple glasses of wine since but not a big deal. I've been hibernating because I don't want to explain why I'm not drinking beer or doing shots lol. It's worth it. Still have my one cup of coffee though. ~O)
    Married for 4 years. TTC for 3.
    Me: 38 DH: 39
    DX: Unexplained Infertility; found a few fibroids this time around during SIS

    March 2012: Clomid for 3 cycles  3 BFNs
    Sept. 2013: started injectables (Follistim, Ovidrel Trigger) IUI BFN

    May 2015: New RE. Going IVF. Tests, Tests, Tests 
    July 2015: Microdose Lupron 20u am & pm, Follistim 150iu 75iu am, Menapur 150iu 75iu pm
    Triggered 8/4 ER 8/6 ET 8/11 2 beautiful blastocysts; 2WW
    8/19 hpt BFP! Beta 8/25: 482
    2nd Beta 9/1......3707
    U/S 9/21: 1 beautiful little gummy bear

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My doctor said don't worry about it, but don't over do it. Stress is worse than alcohol, so if my nerves are up and glass of wine brings them down. But, I can say that the 9 months of no drinking is welcomed with open arms!
    Me 30 || DH 36
    Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation

    Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
    -3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN 
    -IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
    ***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
    -FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
    -IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
    ***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
    -FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
    **Changed doctor**
    -IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
    -IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage  :'(
    -Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal. 
    -IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy  :'(
    ***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
    -Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
    -IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP  :)
    ***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
    Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4

  • I wouldnt drink after a transfer, I'd consider myself kind of pregnant. But think, most people you know probably got pregnant while drunk ;) as I'm medicating for FET I have an occasional champagne or wine. I think it's fine. Also I'm not talking about getting trashed. I'm talking about a glass at night. Ps you will not be drinking for 9 months .... A glass of wine is even find with breastfeeding and beer (even though I don't like it) actually helps to stimulate milk production FYI ;) enjoy your glass of wine
  • So- for me I was never a huge drinker but a big wine fan from a family of somms. It's very hard not to drink around family and friends... You see their eyes slide off your tea or mineral water... We aren't sharing that we are trying or the we are in ART. Oh the whispers swimming around! I use the I'm on antibiotics, a cleanse, training, cold--and if they get rude and really pry--I blame the alcoholism in my family tree and say I'm being cautious.

    As to when I do chose to drink-It really depends on where I am in the cycle. Weeks 1-2, I have a glass of wine 1-2x a week max. 2dpiui- nothing til . then a glass of my fav.

    Egg and sperm quality really takes 3 months to develop, so hubby and I have actually both cut back. He has another SA tomorrow and we have friends over for dinner tonight... Try explaining that one! :) or the fact that I'm asleep by 9 (thanks letrozol!) lol. And we keep having to find inventive ways to cancel travel plans when my cycle jumps a week and our IUI conflicts with a family trip... Oh the life we lead when trying to conceive!
  • I'm going to be honest, ladies. I drank an average of a drink a day the entire time we were trying to get pregnant, during our IVF cycle and up until the beta. I like my evening cocktail or glass of wine :) 
    Me: 41, DH 38, Diagnosis DOR
    Started TTC 12/2013
    First Trip to RE: 11/2014
    IVF Round 1: 2/2014 - BFP
    DD Born 11/9/2014
    TTC a Sibling Started 5/2015
    First IVF Round 8/15 - BFN
    Taking a break to go on vacation + enjoy the holidays before FET and/or another IVF round in 2016!

  • The good thing is I got all my partying out of my system while I was in college so I'm not big of a drinker anymore. When we first started TTC I completely quit drinking for six months. Then one day I was like eff it and drank myself sick with some old friends. That was when I first started to really question my fertility. Now I have a pretty solid ritual of drinking a bottle of wine when AF comes and maybe having a cocktiail when I go out to dinner up until the day I start the meds then I stop drinking until the cycle repeats its self ;)
    Married February 2012 TTC 2 years 4 months Diagnosis: PCOS and dh low morphology 1 MC at 9 weeks
  • I have kinda changed mine but not really. There when we were first trying I stopped drinking alcohol (which I didn't and don't do frequently anyway) and stopped drinking coffee. I also started on prenatal vitamins. After a month went by I started with decaf coffee because I wasn't even getting a period, so what was the point. I started having a drink here and there too. After six months I stopped taking prenatal so and just took folic acid because thenprenatals aren't that cheap in my mind (I buy chewable a and tummies because I'm a baby who doesn't like to try to swallow large pills).

    Shortly after starting back on decaf coffee I started on caffeine coffee because I like it! lol I am now on day 11 coffee free. I'm doing it more for myself than to get pregnant though. I was having a cup almost every day, I was way too dependent on it. I still crave it constantly, I'm hoping that goes away. As far as soda, I don't drink it so that's not an issue. I do still have a drink from time to time. We are going to a wine festival this weekend and I will definitely be having a couple (but they will be tastings so it won't be much!).

    Oh, I also started back up on prenatals this week since we are going to be starting treatment soon.. Finally!

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • KLake42KLake42 member
    edited August 2015
    I quit alcohol and coffee. The alcohol stopped around March, and I quit coffee completely about 6 weeks ago (after cutting way, way down).  After reading It Starts with an Egg, I saw enough science to support my decision to quit both.  I gave myself permission to have one drink a month (when AF arrives) but I haven't taken advantage of that the last two months.  I also have an occasional cup of black tea, steeped for 30 seconds only (weak).

    I forget the exact numbers, but according to studies, both choices seemed like they'd maybe improve my chances by 10-20%, and that was enough for me.  Between my age and low reserve, I have enough challenges!

    I've also been taking prenatals since January, and CoQ10 and DHEA since February.  I'm getting acupuncture, and taking TCM herbs.  I quit dairy and quit drinking/eating cold food, per the acupuncturist. 

    All of it together seems to be helping me some-- my FSH number improved, and my temp charts are looking much more regular. I'm even starting to see EWCM around ovulation, which I didn't see before!  And I had some good looking follicles this month, 1 big and 2 medium (that might have caught up in time for the IUI), the best my RE has seen since I started all of this.

    edited to correct error

    Me- 39 (turning 40 in April), TTC for the first time ever (since Jan 2015), low ovarian reserve
    Married 3/14/14 to my wonderful wife, but her sperm count is rather low
    TTC with frozen donor sperm and science

    7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
    2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
    Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
    Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!  
    fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP! 
    Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)

  • I haven't been a drinker since college so I didn't have to make that decision : )   But I did decide to give up caffeinated coffee and to take prenatal vitamins.    The coffee issue was two-fold.... I wanted to wean myself off of it in preparation for a pregnancy and I was having horrible anxiety/panic attacks which were getting worse as the infertility wore on.   Looking back, I never thought it was the infertility but have now realized what a toll it was taking on my health due to the stress of it all.  Giving up coffee definitely helped. I also started meditating and doing yoga.   Next up... I want to cut back on my sugar intake.   Oh, and I also weaned myself off of the anti-depressant that I was on.   This was a big/hard personal choice and my doctor reminded me that my own well-being should come first.    I told her that I would most definitely go back on them if I started feeling down again.    It is all about balance, moderation, and what's best for you... as previous posters have said!    1 week till IVF round 1!


  • I am preparing for pregnancy by eating as much sushi as possible NOW, before I become pregnant. I think I'll miss sushi almost as much as wine! LOL!
    Me: 43, DH: 41
    DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
    TTC #2 since 1/2015
    8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
    9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
    10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN

  • Haha @ErikaMG me too. Sushi and wine!! Two things I will miss the most.
  • @Drove2u - I told my husband that we need to schedule a big sushi dinner at a fancy restaurant before our IUI. Luckily there's one walking distance from our house so we can drink all the wine we want and don't have to drive afterwards!
    Me: 43, DH: 41
    DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
    TTC #2 since 1/2015
    8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
    9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
    10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN

  • Amazing @ErikaMG that sounds like an excellent plan. If I get AF this month we will be doing the same. :-)
  • @ErikaMG That sounds like a great plan. I will miss sushi too! haha! 
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