
acupuncture is any one doing it.


I should start the IVF process sometime next month and i was wondering if anyone is also going to get acupuncture done.

Re: acupuncture is any one doing it.

  • I am not currently in the ivf process, as last treatment seems to have done it's job. Loss and bfp mentioned.

    I did two ivf cycles, one fresh and one frozen. For the first, I did the acupuncture through the transfer and then stopped. I did get pregnant with identical twins but unfortunately lost them during week 6.
    For our frozen cycle, we opted not to do acupuncture and we are currently over 18w with fraternal twins.
    I think the acupuncture helped the first round to destress and gave me something else to focus on rather than the crazy ivf schedule. The second time around, we weren't as nervous and I wasnt nearly as stressed about the process.
    I'm not sure if the acupuncture helped or hindered or affected us at all. If you believe it'll help and can afford it, I say go for it.
    ***Trying to conceive since 9/12- m/c 2/13 from natural conception.
    IVF success 10/14 with m/c 11/14. FET success 4/15***

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm currently doing it, but for IUI. I've done it in the past (before we got to the fertility clinic) and notice an increase in blood flow which is what is hypothesized to help. I then stopped until last week. I'm actually having a hard time relaxing when I'm there (maybe because of the added running around). I've decided to give it my all for this cycle, and we'll see what happens. DH thinks it's a waste of time and money, but won't argue over it. I'm not a firm believer, but I'll try whatever could help at this point!
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  • I have done four rounds of ivf and one FET since February. I have been doing acupuncture once a week since January! I truly believe it helps! I also did laser acupuncture the day of my transfer! :)
    Married since 2013, TTC since 2/2014
    Me : 32 with DOR 
     DH: 35 with 0% morphology 

    IVF #1 with ICSI 2/15- Banked 3 embryos
    IVF #2 with ICSI 3/15: Banked 2 embryos
    IVF #3 with ICSI 4/15: Banked 1 embryo
    IVF #4 with ICSI 6/15: Banked 1 embryo
    FET #1: 7/25: Waiting for Beta results 

  • Thanks ladies
    Wish each of you the best
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