I'm feeling really low today... Just wanted to get it all out.
I just started progesterone cream (after ovulation), twice a day. I got to work after a long week-end to check my progress on Ultrasound (Endometrium lining) - 6 mm. I am really discouraged. I really thought it was going to make a difference this cycle. Although I should have known not to get my hopes up, because I am currently in the longest cycle I've had to far (66days).... My corpus luteum is still there. Fingers crossed it will get better next cycle. To be on the positive side, I'm not experiencing any spotting... which usually happens during my luteal phase in a long cycle. I'm just surprised it didn't thicken the lining more than that... My body has done it naturally up to 9-10 mm (although just once, this past february).
I did a little research online... can take up to 4-12 months for progesterone to get back up, in severe cases? Really hoping it doesn't!!
Meanwhile, patiently waiting to see an OB/GYN at the end of the month... who will probably order me a Hystero, suggest Clomid... I should be thankful I'm getting professional help, but I wish I could do it on my own. Fix my damn body. Not feel so depressed about it...
**Trigger warning**
Me: 25 DH: 28TTC Sept-Oct 2013
-Stopped BC pills Sept-Oct 2013
-First ovulation June 2014 *8 looong months later
-Very long and irregular cycles. Sometimes spotting during tww. Always BFNs.
-On cycle 9 of TTC: BFP @11DPO.
-Hormone testing with Naturopath showed very low progesterone
-Prescribed topical Progesterone cream twice a day starting at ovulation
-Husband's SA excellent
-My HSG normal.
-Undergoing treatment by TCM (Chinese acupuncture/herbs)
Re: Progesterone Cream *Any Sonographers out there with Infertility?!*
I have been where you are, feeling broken, not wanting to see an RE, wanting to be able to do the one thing for my husband we were programmed to do....but I can't and there is nothing I can do to change that but I can be thankful that their are trained professionals that can help me. And I always think that maybe my going through this journey will be able to help someone else like a sister daughter or a friend I can be a shoulder to cry on and really will understand their struggle
Also, don't hesitate to see an RE. While it might seem like a big step, it really is helpful to have a clear game plan, especially with a doctor specifically trained to get you pregnant. I wish I would have seen my RE sooner!
Me: 25 DH: 28
Me: 25 DH: 28
Me: 25 DH: 28