After waiting a month and a half for a consultation appointment, our heroin goes in to see Dr. Slow*. She was not told there would be a standard test (HSG) that would need to be taken before Day 10 of her cycle. It is now Day 12. Regardless, Erika shrugs and accepts that another cycle will have to come and go before any progress will be made. Towards the end of her appointment...
Dr. Slow: "Okay, Erika, get your bloodwork done on Day 2 of your next cycle, and get your HSG done on Day 5. Then I want to see you in my office at the end of August to go over your results. If all is well, we'll try IUI your next cycle, in September."
Erika: "Okay, that's great Doc, thanks! I'll make the appointment right now!
Receptionist: "Sorry, I can't give you an appointment. You have to call the NYC location to make an appointment."
Erika: "Um... Okay." (calls NYC location and is on hold for 23 minutes, before being hung up on. Calls back and is on hold for 7 minutes)...
Receptionist at NYC Location: "Sorry, Dr. Slow doesn't have any appointments available until mid-September."
Erika: "But... she said she wants to see me the last week of August. And if we wait until mid-September we'll miss another cycle. It shouldn't take long, can't you squeeze me in anywhere?"
NYC Receptionist: "Sorry, she's a really good doctor and everyone wants to see her."
Erika: "Yeah, I know she's a really good doctor, but that doesn't do me a shred of good if I can't get appointments with her."
NYC Receptionist: "Do you want the mid-September appointment?"
Erika: "I guess. Can you put me on the waiting list for late August in case something opens up"
NYC Receptionist: "Sure. Oh... sorry, but the mid-September appointment was just taken. Now there's nothing available until the last week of September."
Erika: "You're kidding, right?"
NYC Rec: "Sorry. Do you want to see one of the doctors in our NYC location instead?"
Erika: "I'd really like to see MY doctor in the location that is 10 minutes from my house and office, but it appears I have little choice. Fine, I'll take off from work and travel 40 minutes to see a doctor I don't know if it means I can get an appointment in late August."
NYC Rec: "Can I put you on hold?"
Erika: "Okay, but please hurry. I can feel myself aging with every Kenny G tune."
NYC Rec: (returns) "I can squeeze you in on the 28th at 11"
Erika: "Maybe I should just get a puppy."
NYC Rec: "We get that a lot."
* Dr. Slow's name was changed to protect the innocent. Her real name, in fact, is Dr. Excrutiatinglyslow.
Me: 43, DH: 41
DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
TTC #2 since 1/2015
8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
Re: Slowest RA Specialist in the Known Universe (a short dramedy based on a true story...)
DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
TTC #2 since 1/2015
8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
TTC #2 since 1/2015
8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
Best of luck to you! I certainly know how hard and frustrating it is to wait like that!
I know that the woman is a good doctor, but I don't know if I would be able to wait that long. When I was ready, I wanted in immediately. Thankfully I called and got a Consultation the next week.
I'm currently using Long Island IVF (I use the east Patchogue and Melville locations)
Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation
Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
-3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN
-IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
-FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
-IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
-FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
**Changed doctor**
-IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
-IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage
-Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal.
-IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy
***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
-Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
-IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP
***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4
DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
TTC #2 since 1/2015
8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
TTC- since we got married (off and on)
TTC with focus: Since July 2015
December 2015: Starting 1st IVF cycle
January 2016: Retrieval
March 2016: Pending Transfer (I have 3 PGS tested embryos waiting for a womb)
April 2016: BFP, the old fashioned way.
No matter how "good" of a doctor she is, it doesn't help if you can't see her. And you're completely right, time is only against you at this point.
I'm sorry, this really sucks for you. I hope you find a resolution soon.
You all are right. I'm going to start shopping for a new RE, just in case. While I hate the idea of starting over again, I hate the idea of having to miss cycles because of scheduling problems even more. So... yeah. ::sigh::
DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
TTC #2 since 1/2015
8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
TTC #2 since 1/2015
8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
TTC #2 since 1/2015
8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
TTC- since we got married (off and on)
TTC with focus: Since July 2015
December 2015: Starting 1st IVF cycle
January 2016: Retrieval
March 2016: Pending Transfer (I have 3 PGS tested embryos waiting for a womb)
April 2016: BFP, the old fashioned way.
Me : 32 with DOR