
Slowest RA Specialist in the Known Universe (a short dramedy based on a true story...)

ErikaMGErikaMG member
edited August 2015 in Infertility
After waiting a month and a half for a consultation appointment, our heroin goes in to see Dr. Slow*. She was not told there would be a standard test (HSG) that would need to be taken before Day 10 of her cycle. It is now Day 12. Regardless, Erika shrugs and accepts that another cycle will have to come and go before any progress will be made. Towards the end of her appointment...

Dr. Slow: "Okay, Erika, get your bloodwork done on Day 2 of your next cycle, and get your HSG done on Day 5. Then I want to see you in my office at the end of August to go over your results. If all is well, we'll try IUI your next cycle, in September."
Erika: "Okay, that's great Doc, thanks! I'll make the appointment right now!
Receptionist: "Sorry, I can't give you an appointment. You have to call the NYC location to make an appointment."
Erika: "Um... Okay." (calls NYC location and is on hold for 23 minutes, before being hung up on. Calls back and is on hold for 7 minutes)...
Receptionist at NYC Location: "Sorry, Dr. Slow doesn't have any appointments available until mid-September."
Erika: "But... she said she wants to see me the last week of August. And if we wait until mid-September we'll miss another cycle. It shouldn't take long, can't you squeeze me in anywhere?"
NYC Receptionist: "Sorry, she's a really good doctor and everyone wants to see her."
Erika: "Yeah, I know she's a really good doctor, but that doesn't do me a shred of good if I can't get appointments with her."
NYC Receptionist: "Do you want the mid-September appointment?"
Erika: "I guess. Can you put me on the waiting list for late August in case something opens up"
NYC Receptionist: "Sure. Oh... sorry, but the mid-September appointment was just taken. Now there's nothing available until the last week of September."
Erika: "You're kidding, right?"
NYC Rec: "Sorry. Do you want to see one of the doctors in our NYC location instead?"
Erika: "I'd really like to see MY doctor in the location that is 10 minutes from my house and office, but it appears I have little choice. Fine, I'll take off from work and travel 40 minutes to see a doctor I don't know if it means I can get an appointment in late August."
NYC Rec: "Can I put you on hold?"
Erika: "Okay, but please hurry. I can feel myself aging with every Kenny G tune."
NYC Rec: (returns) "I can squeeze you in on the 28th at 11"
Erika: "Maybe I should just get a puppy."
NYC Rec: "We get that a lot."

* Dr. Slow's name was changed to protect the innocent. Her real name, in fact, is Dr. Excrutiatinglyslow.

Me: 43, DH: 41
DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
TTC #2 since 1/2015
8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN

Re: Slowest RA Specialist in the Known Universe (a short dramedy based on a true story...)

  • That is insane! I would call the location that you went to back and tell them what happened. See if they can do anything. The excuse that she is a really good dr is ridiculous. She was the one that said she wanted to see you in August. Ugh. MD's. Always making you wait.
    Me: 40  
    TTC #1: 3 years
    Me: Type II Diabetic
    Started with RE 11/2014
    Going through IUI with Donor Sperm

  • @Cupcakegal930 - RIGHT??? I mean, considering their profession, they should understand the urgency, and how even missing one cycle at my age can make a difference in my chance for success. I swear, when he said "She's a really good doctor" I was very glad I was on the phone because if it had been in person I may have punched him in the nose! Incidentally, I did call my location and told them what happened (I had to try 3 times to get a person on the phone. It appears they are between receptionists), and they said sorry, there was nothing they could do. I would consider finding another specialist/clinic but starting all over again would end up making the wait for an IUI even longer. I'm so frustrated... been crying in the bathroom at work all morning and decided to write this in an attempt to laugh instead of cry...
    Me: 43, DH: 41
    DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
    TTC #2 since 1/2015
    8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
    9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
    10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN

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  • I hear you. I'm in NY as well Long Island in fact and that was the reason i didn't go with a large group. I understand that every second counts. Just went through my second egg retrieval yesterday for our 2nd attempt at IVF. At 38 years old I think I'm almost ready to give up.
    Me: 40  
    TTC #1: 3 years
    Me: Type II Diabetic
    Started with RE 11/2014
    Going through IUI with Donor Sperm

  • @Cupcakegal930 - I am crossing all crossables for you that this is the one that works! And thanks for the moral support - just knowing that someone understands how frustrating this is helps. :)
    Me: 43, DH: 41
    DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
    TTC #2 since 1/2015
    8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
    9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
    10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN

  • Maybe your Dr Slow is a cousin pf mine! We started the process in September last year. Thankfully, it was day 4, so they did all kinds of tests right away, with a whole investigative cycle. Follow-up appointment: end of November!!! Then stuff happened and we couldn't start treatment until February (not the doc's fault). Three months in, nothing, means I need a surgery. Two months wait, and I only got to meet with him the day before the surgery to discuss the details and our plan moving forward. At the first appointment, he gave me a card with an email address to reach him. Not a single email (of the 2 or 3 I've sent) has been replied to. He's lucky he's good!

    Best of luck to you! I certainly know how hard and frustrating it is to wait like that!
  • Sorry. It's totally frustrating. At least here you can vent to people who understand!
  • I'm from Long Island too! What offices do you guys use? @ErikaMG I know you may not want to say lol
    I know that the woman is a good doctor, but I don't know if I would be able to wait that long. When I was ready, I wanted in immediately. Thankfully I called and got a Consultation the next week.
    I'm currently using Long Island IVF (I use the east Patchogue and Melville locations)
    Me 30 || DH 36
    Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation

    Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
    -3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN 
    -IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
    ***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
    -FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
    -IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
    ***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
    -FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
    **Changed doctor**
    -IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
    -IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage  :'(
    -Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal. 
    -IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy  :'(
    ***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
    -Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
    -IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP  :)
    ***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
    Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4

  • @Colleen0516 I'm with NSLIJ center for human reproduction
    Me: 40  
    TTC #1: 3 years
    Me: Type II Diabetic
    Started with RE 11/2014
    Going through IUI with Donor Sperm

  • Wow. That's so crazy. I had my first consultation on July 10 and now I'm in the 2ww. It was all very quick.
  • That really is a long wait and they don't sound helpful at all. This is a tough journey already and that office is only making it worse. I am not sure where you are located and which office but I go to one in tuckahoe, Ny - westchester county and they also have an office in Greenwich. They work very efficiently. You might want to at least look into another doctor since you are waiting so long for your appointment. I was able to get an appointment for my initial visit the same week I called. They also have great stats and I know they have a lot of patients because they are so busy but they are well staffed. Good luck on your journey I hope everything works out for you.
    Me - 32 
    Husband - 32
    TTC #1 - since 10/16/2012 
    IVF#1 6/2015 BFN 
    FET 7/2015 - BFP

      Pregnancy Ticker
  • @MKLEWIS2010 - What is the name of the practice you go to? Tuckahoe isn't that far from me, and it's worth looking into, at least to see if they take my insurance... Thanks!
    Me: 43, DH: 41
    DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
    TTC #2 since 1/2015
    8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
    9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
    10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN

  • babyexpressbabyexpress member
    edited August 2015
    @ErikaMG thats awful.  My RE has been super fast.  So fast that he makes my DH uncomfortable and a lot of the ladies on here know more detail about their IUI and info than I got.  I'm ok with the speed though, because I want to get it done.  I would think about switching docs, even though you started certain steps.  What if the 1st round doesn't take, do you want to have these same issues on round 2 or round 3?  Just something to think about.  I feel for you.  I think you need a laugh cry gif right now. 

    Married: 8/29/2009
    TTC- since we got married (off and on)
    TTC with focus: Since July 2015
    Currently had 2 rounds of failed IUIs, failed TI monitored cycle
    December 2015: Starting 1st IVF cycle
    January 2016: Retrieval
    March 2016: Pending Transfer (I have 3 PGS tested embryos waiting for a womb)
    April 2016: BFP, the old fashioned way.

  • I second @MKLEWIS2010, you have a month and a half of time waiting around for Dr Slow. If I were in your position, I would definitely find another doctor in network and try to schedule appts with them, see how fast of a turn around they have. Also, I'm not too confident that Dr Slows process would change after your first iui (Fx it works the first time) but if it doesn't, would you need to waste a cycle in between waiting for an opening?
    No matter how "good" of a doctor she is, it doesn't help if you can't see her. And you're completely right, time is only against you at this point.
    I'm sorry, this really sucks for you. I hope you find a resolution soon.
    ***Trying to conceive since 9/12- m/c 2/13 from natural conception.
    IVF success 10/14 with m/c 11/14. FET success 4/15***

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @babyexpress - Hahaha! That gif is perfect!

    You all are right. I'm going to start shopping for a new RE, just in case. While I hate the idea of starting over again, I hate the idea of having to miss cycles because of scheduling problems even more. So... yeah. ::sigh::
    Me: 43, DH: 41
    DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
    TTC #2 since 1/2015
    8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
    9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
    10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN

  • MKLEWIS2010MKLEWIS2010 member
    edited August 2015
    I go to Greenwich Fertility Center. My doctor is Dr. Brauer and she is great but I have also seen the other doctors and they are great.  You tend to see all of the doctors due to the monitoring of your cycle.  Also I did IVF so I am not familiar with the IUI cycles and how much monitoring they do.  They have great statistics for IVF. The only thing is I am not sure if they do IUI cycles in the tuckahoe location or if it is done at Greenwich hospital (which is only 15-20 minutes from tuckahoe). Besides monitoring my retrieval and transfer were both at greenwich hospital and i took a day off for each.  Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.
    Me - 32 
    Husband - 32
    TTC #1 - since 10/16/2012 
    IVF#1 6/2015 BFN 
    FET 7/2015 - BFP

      Pregnancy Ticker
  • @MKLEWIS2010 - Thank you so much! It looks like they take my insurance. I called them but they are at lunch, so I'll try them again this afternoon. I really appreciate the recommendation! Even the Greenwich location is WAY more convenient than having to go all the way to Columbus Circle. I'll keep you posted if we end up going with them! Thanks again!
    Me: 43, DH: 41
    DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
    TTC #2 since 1/2015
    8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
    9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
    10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN

  • So glad you're looking at other options! I hope it works out better for you.
    ***Trying to conceive since 9/12- m/c 2/13 from natural conception.
    IVF success 10/14 with m/c 11/14. FET success 4/15***

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Thats great,  they usually are able to get you in quickly for your first appointment.  Good luck and I cant wait to hear how everything goes!
    Me - 32 
    Husband - 32
    TTC #1 - since 10/16/2012 
    IVF#1 6/2015 BFN 
    FET 7/2015 - BFP

      Pregnancy Ticker
  • MKLEWIS2010 - I have a consultation appointment with them on Monday morning! WOW! They really ARE fast! (at least in comparison to Dr. Slow's office!)
    Me: 43, DH: 41
    DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
    TTC #2 since 1/2015
    8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
    9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
    10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
    12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN

  • @ErikaMG that's great!  Good luck

    Married: 8/29/2009
    TTC- since we got married (off and on)
    TTC with focus: Since July 2015
    Currently had 2 rounds of failed IUIs, failed TI monitored cycle
    December 2015: Starting 1st IVF cycle
    January 2016: Retrieval
    March 2016: Pending Transfer (I have 3 PGS tested embryos waiting for a womb)
    April 2016: BFP, the old fashioned way.

  • Yay!!!! Woot woot!!! That's awesome. Good luck I hope you like them and it works out for you!
    Me - 32 
    Husband - 32
    TTC #1 - since 10/16/2012 
    IVF#1 6/2015 BFN 
    FET 7/2015 - BFP

      Pregnancy Ticker
  • @ErikaMG I loved your story. I have had similar problems waiting around. I think it's meant to be that you can now possibly change to @MKLEWIS2010 know, she just got a BFP :-) :-) :-) I want to fly to NY and go to her doctor too! 
  • Ask if you can have a phone appointment with your doctor. Or email your doctor directly.
    Married since 2013, TTC since 2/2014
    Me : 32 with DOR 
     DH: 35 with 0% morphology 

    IVF #1 with ICSI 2/15- Banked 3 embryos
    IVF #2 with ICSI 3/15: Banked 2 embryos
    IVF #3 with ICSI 4/15: Banked 1 embryo
    IVF #4 with ICSI 6/15: Banked 1 embryo
    FET #1: 7/25: Waiting for Beta results 

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