I've had an irregular cycle my entire life (with the exception of the years I was on the pill). There have been years when I've had about 8-10 periods and other years when I've had only 2. Former GYNs have assumed that my cycles were generally anovulatory. My current doctor has diagnosed me with PCOS. The older I get, the more my periods seem to kick my butt, when I actually have them.
I gave myself a trigger shot on Friday and I'm hoping that I ovulated over the weekend. I am exhausted right now. I have some very light/mild cramping and my breasts are starting to feel slightly tender. I'm wondering if I'm feeling this way because I *fingers crossed* ovulated and my progesterone is high. It's so rare that I ovulate, I'm not used to having this type of fatigue (even despite having lupus) so far away from a period. If it were just a couple days before my potential period, it would seem normal. Is this what women with regular cycles feel like every month after ovulating?
Re: Is This What Having Progesterone Feels Like?