
How soon can I test after day 5 Blastocyst transfer

Hi everyone!
I just compelted my first IVF cycle. I have PCOS. Had 21 oocytes collected, 18 of them matured and 15 survived to form Blastocysts.

I had 2 Blastocysts transfered on 28th July 2015. Since yesterday I have been experiencing bleeding with small clumps in it. I called in my nurse, she said it is normal to experience bleeding and not to worry. I had met the doctor today and my endometrium is normal, also my S. Progesterone is normal. So doctor has instructed me to wait for 1-2 days to see if the bleeding stops.

My Beta is scheduled on 11th Aug and then on 13th. I was curious to know if I can take a HPT earlier than 11th!!! And if HPTs are accurate enough!!

Just can't wait so long!

Re: How soon can I test after day 5 Blastocyst transfer

  • If you did a trigger shot, you need to wait at least 14 days after it for those hcg levels to drop to next to nothing in your system. If you do not wait long enough, it can give you false positives.

    I tested early and got my first faint positive after my frozen cycle at 6dp5dt. That being said, not everyone is the same and not all of our cells will populate at the same rate. So if you decide to test early and it comes back negative, it doesn't necessarily mean you're out and you should try your hardest not to get too down about it.

    Good luck.
    ***Trying to conceive since 9/12- m/c 2/13 from natural conception.
    IVF success 10/14 with m/c 11/14. FET success 4/15***

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @MrsBwIVF Thank you for the advice..I took trigger shot on 22nd I think I should test on 6th or after 6th!!!
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  • I just wanted to wish you good luck. Also just remember that regardless of what the HPT says your never completely out until you do the beta.
    Me - 32 
    Husband - 32
    TTC #1 - since 10/16/2012 
    IVF#1 6/2015 BFN 
    FET 7/2015 - BFP

      Pregnancy Ticker
  • The bleeding has not stopped yet. Its there but is not as heavy as a period and is not as light as spotting either. I can see small lumps (Darker in color)(Sorry if TMI).. but I am worried about it...As per my physical checkup and blood work yesterday, everything is fine...But bleeding just won't cease totally..

    Is this normal? Is there still some possibility of a BFP?
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