For those who have had a m/c before.. do you mind sharing with me how it all started?
I had Ivf done, and my hcg levels 12 after the procedure were very low but still positive.. Today (5 days after blood work) I have had a little bit of brown and pink discharge.. I did have blood work done on Friday but haven't received the results yet..
Does the brown discharge with a "drop" of pink is the beginning of a m/c?
Thanks in advance
Re: M/C
I had been on clomid and timed intercourse and finally got a BFP and went to my DR and everything seemed fine, I started bleeding just a little bit and I was super worried so I went to the ER and they did and US and I was only at 4 weeks so too early for a heartbeat but everything seemed ok. I went to see my RE the following day and he told me not to be too worried but my baby had stopped growing but that sometimes that happens, I was being monitored and my HSG was still rising but I was still bleeding. But my Dr told me that some women actually just bleed on and off for their whole pregnacy. I started bleeding heavier and I went back to the ER and my baby had a HB and things looked good but two days later I started feeling really bad and I was put on bed rest and it did not take long till I started bleeding but much heavier. I went to my RE the following morning and the HB was gone and I had lost my baby at 11 1/2 weeks. My Dr told me to make it easier I should go ahead and do a D&C so that's what we did. It was horrible and sad and if that is what you are going through then know that you have so much support from all the women on here but keep your head up, you are still so early it could be nothing or implantation bleeding. Brown bleeding is actually a good sign because that means it's not fresh. Please keep us updated and I will keep my FX!!!!
Thank you and good luck to you!