
2nd IUI tomorrow! And Friday!

I am just so excited. This 2nd cycle has been much quicker and smoother. I had to repeat the femara in the first cycle when the follicles just stalled in growth, but this dosage seems to be just right this time so I am having back to back IUI's tomorrow and Friday! I also had an HSG last Friday which was inconclusive because my right tube would not allow any dye in. Today's US showed 2 mature follicles on the left and none on the right! Couldn't be more perfect :) I would just love twins!! :) The worst part though is the 2ww. Oh please let this cycle work!!

Re: 2nd IUI tomorrow! And Friday!

  • What do you mean back to back IUIs? Good luck!! Hope you get some good news in t
  • In two weeks I meant.
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  • Thanks!! Me too!! :) I am having an IUI tomorrow and then another one on Friday. That is what they call back to back IUIs.

  • Omg. Really? I have never heard of that. But I'm also very new to this. Does that count as 2 IUIs then or just one?
  • Good luck, @amos1417! I'm having one on Friday, too (or tomorrow, depending on today's US). that's great that you're doing back to back! Our "second" is just gonna be old fashion way! Lol

    We can go through 2WW together, if you'd like!
  • @Drove2u, I just asked my RE about it today and she said it couldn't hurt! :)


    Good luck to you too @Snnyflwr! So cool that we will be having them the same day! Sounds great, keep me posted!!!

  • Wow!! That's really amazing. But does it count as 2 IUIs though? I'm allowed 6 IUIs so wondering if I did two in one cycle if that's two or just one.
  • @Drove2u I don't think it would count as an IUI cycle. Maybe you just need to pay for the actual IUI out of pocket?

  • I get 6 free IUIs though through my insurance. And it's still insemination right? You're just doing it twice.
  • My RE also offers the possibility of doing two IUI ($400 for 1, $700 for 2). We therefore hesitated but after doing a bit of research and chatting with our RE, what we've learned is that there's no difference in success rate between 1 well-timed IUI and two of them, unless sperm count is below 1 million in the first one, in which case the success rates increase by about 6%. If you have a set number (which hopefully you don't have to go through), you're better off saving them up and just do some natural BD after the insemination. Some food for thought (although it's hard to pass on an opportunity to possibly maybe increase your chances).
  • @amos1417 so we're set for Friday! I'm excited, and terrified, and overwhelmed, all at the same time. It's my first one.

    Good luck, and stay in touch!
  • Yay @SnnyFlwr that's so exciting!! Good luck!! @kidshrink I like your idea of trying naturally the day after IUI. Thanks for clearing all that up too.
  • Just had my first this morning! Go back in for another tomorrow! Hope all goes well for all of us!
  • @KidShrink, thanks for the info! I wasn't really sure how that worked. I am not limited in the number of IUI's I have and you are so right, it's hard to pass on an opportunity to possibly maybe increase your chances!!


    That's awesome @alexiskiriluk! Good luck!!


    @Snnyflwr, good luck tomorrow! Just relax and think positively! It's a piece of cake :)


    Baby dust to us all!! 

  • Hi ladies! This is my 2nd cycle of IUI too.
    Like @amos1417, I also had back to back IUI (this past Saturday and Sunday).
    I'm currently in the 2WW! It's the WORST! I want to know so badly, I'm doing everything I can to be calm. I'm also trying all the "healthy, fertility" foods (red raspberry leaf tea, Pineapple a day, etc)
    Seems crazy, but I'll do anything for a baby!
    I had 5 follicle this round... I'm hoping for twins!!!
    Me 30 || DH 36
    Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation

    Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
    -3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN 
    -IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
    ***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
    -FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
    -IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
    ***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
    -FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
    **Changed doctor**
    -IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
    -IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage  :'(
    -Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal. 
    -IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy  :'(
    ***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
    -Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
    -IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP  :)
    ***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
    Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4

  • Oh @Colleen0516, isn't this the worst part?! I am going to start the pineapple today and I have some preconception tea with raspberry and other ingredients I am going to drink too. I'll do anything for a baby too! My sisters are so fertile and one just got pregnant last month, it's her 3rd, and I am so jealous! It's funny too, I had 2 follicles and I am hoping for twins as well!! Good luck to us all this month and please keep us posted! Yay!!! I am so excited!!! [-O<
  • @Colleen0516 and @amos1417  I am right there with you. The 2ww is so long. I've never had 2 weeks take so long in my life. I hope we all get twins! We'd have to go on the Today show if that happened :-) I didn't realize that pineapple was good for fertility. I'll get some at the store in solidarity! I think I have some raspberry tea in the cupboard. My sister just had her second baby. We started trying at the same time 4 years ago. I would be lying if I said that wasn't just a tad heartbreaking every time she was pregnant and I was still trying, even as happy as I am to be an aunt. I was just at her house babysitting and my nephews last night and they are are perfectly adorable. I can't wait to maybe have this work out...Good luck to you both! 
  • @AMT&amp;THC know the feeling. My sister-in-law got pregnant too. While I'm ecstatic to be an aunt again (I really CANNOT wait! ☺️) there was a brief moment of jealously. I was so upset for myself, but so happy for her- so many emotions.
    I'm past it now, and just super excited to be an aunt and so happy that they are having their first! Hopefully we will be soon!

    When can you test??
    Me 30 || DH 36
    Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation

    Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
    -3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN 
    -IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
    ***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
    -FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
    -IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
    ***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
    -FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
    **Changed doctor**
    -IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
    -IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage  :'(
    -Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal. 
    -IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy  :'(
    ***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
    -Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
    -IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP  :)
    ***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
    Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4

  • @Colleen0516 I test on August 1 which also happens to be my birthday. So, hopefully that will be good luck?!

    My sister and I are very close. She was sensitive about telling me about the second pregnancy because by then, I had already figured out something was wrong and we'd need treatments to conceive. That made me feel weird because I didn't want her to be uncomfortable telling me such great news. I told her not to feel that way and that I was so happy to get to be a part of the process again. I threw her shower, was there at the birth, and babysit regularly. She calls me her 'co-parent' haha! 
    Those conversations where the person knows about my TTTC and is trying to be sensitive about my feelings are one of the worst parts of this whole thing. It's hard trying to make someone else feel good about something I don't feel good about. I have had the same problem with a couple close friends who got pregnant and felt the need to tread lightly telling me. I don't talk about it often with anyone and so maybe that's the reason that they feel like I may feel sad about hearing their good news. I know they have good intentions. But if I had a dollar for every time I make someone else feel comfortable talking about this, I could pay for IVF with no problem if these IUIs don't work out. 
  • That's right, you said that before! Well hopefully it will be a great birthday with an extra special gift!!! Let me know how it goes!!
    Me 30 || DH 36
    Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation

    Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
    -3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN 
    -IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
    ***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
    -FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
    -IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
    ***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
    -FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
    **Changed doctor**
    -IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
    -IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage  :'(
    -Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal. 
    -IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy  :'(
    ***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
    -Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
    -IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP  :)
    ***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
    Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4

  • Good luck to all of you in your TWW. I hope you all get your BFPs!

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • Well I tested even though I am not supposed to! I tested 11DPIUI and 12DPIUI.... BFP!!!!!! (And I tested twice each day!!!) The darkest line was 12DPIUI in the afternoon! I am in shock!! I go for my beta tomorrow to see if it's the real deal!! The wait is driving me crazy!! I can't imagine it's still the trigger shot, but I realize it could be. Sooooooo excited!!!
  • Anyone else have an update?
  • Colleen0516Colleen0516 member
    edited August 2015
    @amos1417 that's GREAT NEWS!!! Congrats!! So happy for you! Let us know what the beta results are!! :x
    Me 30 || DH 36
    Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation

    Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
    -3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN 
    -IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
    ***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
    -FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
    -IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
    ***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
    -FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
    **Changed doctor**
    -IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
    -IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage  :'(
    -Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal. 
    -IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy  :'(
    ***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
    -Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
    -IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP  :)
    ***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
    Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4

  • @amos1417 That's wonderful!! Congratulations!!! 
  • @amos1417 Congratulations! That's great news!

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • Well, the beta results are low, but still positive!! It was 13.1. I am very nervous about that, but it could be late implantation they said. I go back in 2 days to make sure the number is rising. So, I guess I am not out of the woods yet?! Anyone else experience this?
  • @amos1417 Please keep us updated, that's exciting. 


    Married: 8/29/2009
    TTC- since we got married (off and on)
    TTC with focus: Since July 2015
    Currently had 2 rounds of failed IUIs, failed TI monitored cycle
    December 2015: Starting 1st IVF cycle
    January 2016: Retrieval
    March 2016: Pending Transfer (I have 3 PGS tested embryos waiting for a womb)
    April 2016: BFP, the old fashioned way.

  • So cute! Thank you @babyexpress!
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