Hi all. I'm on my third IVF cycle since December 2014. First cycle we transferred a 6 cell and 8 cell at 3 days. BFN. April 2015 we transferred one 6 cell at 3 days. BFN. I have DOR so my output is always low. This cycle we transferred one 6 cell at 3 days and we did assisted hatching this time. It's the only egg I made with all those injections!
Today is 5dp3dt. I am on both progesterone and HCG luteal support. I feel very minimal cramping which i think is all in my head. No constipation. A little heartburn which is odd for me, but otherwise nothing.
Anyone else have few symptoms or none? As you can all imagine, I am analyzing everything. This is our third and final cycle since we have had a retrieval with each one I've done...it's just too much physically, emotionally, and financially so this is our final cycle. I want so badly for it to be successful and I'm losing hope. Thoughts? Encouragement? Anything? Thanks in advance.
Re: 2ww Symptoms/Encouragement
Good luck!!
Good luck tomorrow @LoriS8200!!