
Engorged breasts :(

What do I do for engirged breasts? When will it go back to normal? In pain... My sister says to pump and use a nipple shield snd massage the balls of milk on my breasts

Re: Engorged breasts :(

  • HookEmNelsonHookEmNelson member
    edited July 2015
    I use to hand express. If I knew we were set for awhile, I would shower, massage and hand express some more. Hang in there friend. It will pass.
  • As pp said hand express, massage, warm compresses or warm showers. Before you nurse it can be helpful to express some milk so your breasts aren't rock hard for LO to latch onto. Also, cold deveined cabbage leaves tucked into a loose bra can be super nice. Make sure you are nursing as much as you can! Engorgment is so uncomfortable but it only lasts a short time.
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