May 2015 Moms

growth spurt?

My baby will be 6 weeks old tomorrow and the past 2 days she will only take one 2 hour nap during the day and then has woken every 2 hours at night to feed! She has also been extra gassy. Usually, she sleeps much of the day and only wakes at 3rd and 5 am to eat. Could this be a growth spurt or something with gas?

Re: growth spurt?

  • 6 week growth spurt likely
  • Yup. We went through it for 2 days straight last week. Then followed by a whole day and night of sleeping!
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  • My LO is 6 wks and 2 days. She normally is a power napper. But the past two days she eats and then Is out for two hours. I'm use to her taking 30 mins naps in between feedings. I'm assuming it's her 6 wk growth spurt.
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