I got my second shot of methotrexate last night. I was wondering has anyone gotten more the 2? My numbers are at 93. I forgot to ask what happens if it doesn't work and now it is a long weekend and I am just worried.
Hi, I'm sorry for your loss...I had my my missed mc completed 7weeks ago and my hcg is finally at zero (be prepared for mixed emotions...I say finally because i was waiting for my body to get back to normal, but it was sad because it meant I really wasn't pregnant anymore). For my mc the docs took the wait and see approach, we wanted to avoid a d&c (not because I think they're bad, but because in the best case scenario your body sorts itself out; doesn't always happen that way and depends each person's circumstances). After my second dose what happened for me was the docs had me wait to take blood test every week; they're looking for your hcg to drop. This took me 7weeks to get to zero (everyone is different depending on how far along you were and your mc), 4 weeks later I had what I thought was my af, but was actually just shedding my lining that didn't happen with the mc (we knew because my hcg was still to high to be considered that I ovulated to have a af). If your hcg doesn't continue to drop afer this second dose or if you get lots of pain and bleeding that might mean you didn't fully expel everything and talk to your doc to get tests to confirm (you might need a d&c to help). Talk to your doc or the nurses (I found the nurses helpful and more available) if you're unsure or worried. But, for now, it's a really crappy waiting game. Hang in there, I'm here for you if you need anything )
Re: 2nd shot of methotrexate
For my mc the docs took the wait and see approach, we wanted to avoid a d&c (not because I think they're bad, but because in the best case scenario your body sorts itself out; doesn't always happen that way and depends each person's circumstances).
After my second dose what happened for me was the docs had me wait to take blood test every week; they're looking for your hcg to drop.
This took me 7weeks to get to zero (everyone is different depending on how far along you were and your mc), 4 weeks later I had what I thought was my af, but was actually just shedding my lining that didn't happen with the mc (we knew because my hcg was still to high to be considered that I ovulated to have a af).
If your hcg doesn't continue to drop afer this second dose or if you get lots of pain and bleeding that might mean you didn't fully expel everything and talk to your doc to get tests to confirm (you might need a d&c to help).
Talk to your doc or the nurses (I found the nurses helpful and more available) if you're unsure or worried. But, for now, it's a really crappy waiting game. Hang in there, I'm here for you if you need anything