May 2015 Moms

7 weeks pp- cramps and uterus contracting??

I'm 7 weeks pp and I've had cramps on and off all morning. I also feel as if my uterus is contracting (little tugs). I thought I got my period a couple weeks ago, but the bleeding only lasted a couple of days. Could this possibly be my period rearing its ugly face or more pp fun???

Re: 7 weeks pp- cramps and uterus contracting??

  • I am 9 weeks pp and was also very crampy around 7 weeks. It never lead to a period and only lasted a few days, so I'm not sure could just be the uterus still trying to shrink.
  • I have period like cramps for two days!I'm I thought I was going to start my period.. Still waiting and I'm 7 weeks:. I still have a little tummy! Maybe it's still shrinking ?
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  • Same here at 7 weeks! I put on a pad waiting for a period, but there was nothing! My milk supply decreased around the same time but came back up after contractions ended.
  • I didn't have cramping or feel my uterus contract after I had my baby boy. I was perfectly fine and wouldn't have needed pain medicine if it weren't for the rip. *shivers* but I did get my dang period. It lasted a whole week!! X.X
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