Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

HCG Levels on Report

Hi all,

I ended up in the ER when I miscarried because I have low platelets and was worried about blood loss. They did two sets of blood work and I'm wondering if they also measured my HCG. Does anyone know what it would be called on the report from the lab? There is a ton of stuff on there like WBC, RBC, HCB, HCT, but I don't know what they all are! I don't see one called HCG but thought that they might label it as something else. Any ideas?


Re: HCG Levels on Report

  • Was there anything with "beta" in the name? That's what my doctor kept calling the test, anyway. Hope that helps, I would also try Google to see what every test on your report is for.
  • Thanks @rachajoy09! I don't see anything with beta on it. I Googled a bunch of them and they seem to be mostly blood cell related. I've got another requisition from my doctor for next week so I'm sure it'll be on that one.
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