Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

I think the worst is over but when will it end?

I'm sorry if this has been asked before. I had a blighted ovum diagnosis at 9 1/2 weeks. I "started" miscarrying at 10 weeks on my own naturally. It started with 4 days of spotting then I would have episodes of cramping and heavy bleeding over the span of 4 days. The third time that happened it just gushed out. I mean soak through the pad, panties and pants gushed.... While I was at work, and scared me to death. That was 4 days ago and nothing like that since. However I am still bleeding as though I'm having a period. I'm going on almost 2 weeks of some sort of bleeding. How long did your miscarriage last? I'm not cramping, maybe occasional discomfort but not bad. This whole process has been draining in every sense of the word and I just want it over :(

Re: I think the worst is over but when will it end?

  • I hope someone who has been able to go it naturally gets back to you soon. I'm sorry I can't help. I had the soaking gush experience plus huge clots non-stop in the ER for 6.5hrs before getting an emergency D&C. I'm not the usual though. I did have 3 weeks of spotting and another of light bleeding before the m/c with zero cramps.

    Have you passed any clots or tissue yet?
  • Yes my last big episode I passed what looked like the sac/placenta. Every time I have a fishing episode it doesn't last long that goodness but I've passed clots and tissue. The most came out with the last one. I can't imagine 6 1/2 hours! So sorry! My aunt works in labor and delivery and says all of this sounds normal but I can't help but be concerned. I've had one other miscarriage but it was so early it felt like a heavy more painful period. This seems like the never ending miscarriage.
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  • Gushing not fishing :)
  • I think if you're certain the worst is behind you, you should ALWAYS follow up with an OB who should do bloodwork and an ultrasound to verify you've passed everything. Retained tissue, too slowly dropping HCG levels, and having to wait extra weeks or months unnecessarily is no joke and not fun.

    I think a follow up should give you piece of mind and a better window of expectation of how much longer things could last.
  • ALC08ALC08 member
    Call your dr and let them know whats going on. They may tell you to wait it out a bit. I had my 2nd miscarriage in april. After my first i ended up having a d&c because of concern of infection. So this time was different and i didn't really know what to expect. The worst of it lasted through the weekend. I think only a day or so was extremly heavy. (Soaking through pads and clothes) but i bled steady for several more days or so and it eventually lightened up. At some point it turned into light spotting and then stopped ( i think about two wks after miscarriage started). And then about a week later the spotting started again, gradually got heavier and turned into what seemed like a period. I continued to spot after that. I ended up bleeding at least a little the entire month of may!! It was mostly light spotting but there were a few days of heavier bleeding and clots. I seem to be on a normal cycle now. I think mine was incomplete and that was just my body getting rid of the rest. Everyone is different and in my experience each mc is different. It would be a good idea to check in with your dr. Though. I feel your pain! I felt like it would never stop and i just wanted to feel normal again. Hope this helps and things get better for you soon!
  • Thank you so much for your input ladies! A follow up with a doctor is the best route I know this :). I am in between insurances right now. The new one should kick in any day now. Knowing that spotting and bleeding can last a long time is good to know. I found out about the blighted ovum when my aunt did the ultrasound and then had a doctor come in and confirm out of the goodness of his heart while we wait for approval on the insurance. The bleeding is not heavy but like I said I just want it over and to feel normal! Thanks again :)
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