July 2015 Moms


shelbyngideonshelbyngideon member
edited June 2015 in July 2015 Moms
I just returned home from my baby shower that was held in Las Vegas this weekend. Everything worked out splendidly and we had a huge turn out! My step sister whom I rarely see even stopped by and brought her 7 year old daughter and 3 year old son. Of course I hugged and loved all over them as I hardly see them anymore due to my recent move so far from home. Later on in the evening as all guests are leaving, sister decides to announce that her daughter has a mild case of lice. Why would you bring your child to a huge event like this with lice? I've been on edge and had that creepy crawly feeling since Saturday.
Well anyways, this morning I receive a phone call from my mom informing me that both of my sister's children have contracted the measels virus. None of her children have ever been vaccinated due to personal beliefs. I personally have been vaccinated although I'm not sure how long ago. I have already phoned my doctor and am waiting on a response. I also stupidly googled what happens after exposure to the virus during pregnancy and am hardcore stressing! Is there anyone who can offer some insight on the situation to ease my (hopefully) irrational fears? Lol
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