My DS will NOT sleep in his crib during the day. He will only nap in his swing or play pen. I have tried to make sure he was dead asleep and transfer him into his crib but he always wakes up regardless how gentle I am! Is this okay? Or should I encourage him to sleep in his own crib by laying him down and letting him fall back asleep on his own?
Also should we be waking our babies during the day? My DS will sleep a lot and I worry this impacts his night time sleep. He sleeps in 3 hr intervals but if anyone has tips to increase this please let me know!!
Re: Daytime Napping
As for sleep, sometimes my LO sometimes sleeps all day then again all night or the other way around so i don't wake her up
Also, when you put him down for naps in his crib does he start crying? If not just let him lay there so he can get used to it, and see if he will fall back asleep. We also use a pacifier not sure if you do but it helps her to fall asleep too!
I don't know how old your LO is but for the first several weeks I would wake my DS up if it had been more than 3-3.5 hours since his last feed. I found this encouraged him to eat more during the day and then have a longer sleep at night. He's almost 6 weeks now and I rarely have to wake him up now as he will do it on his own. He will sleep up to 6 hours at night which is great for me. Naps during the day vary from 20 minutes to 2.5 hours. Unfortunately I have yet to find consistency in that. Unless your LO is not gaining weight you definitely don't have to wake them up during the day. But if you're trying to encourage LO to differentiate between day and night, it might be helpful.
Good luck!