Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Ectopic questions and hope

I was diagnosed with an ectopic and I got a shot of methotrexate last Tuesday. I was just wondering how long after the shot did you bleed and how long after you stopped bleeding did you get pregnant again? I am just the type of person that needs to move onto the next time I don't want to dwell on my pain.

Re: Ectopic questions and hope

  • I am very sorry for your loss. One of the things that you should talk to your doctor about is how long you need to prevent a new pregnancy. Methotrexate stays in the system for up to three months, and inhibits your body's ability to uptake folic acid. Getting pregnant again too soon brings increased risk of a subsequent loss, and getting pregnant without the proper changes to your folic acid intake brings an increased risk of neural tube defects, including spina bifida. if you plan to try again this year, you definitely need to continue taking your prenatal vitamins, but you may need to increase folic acid dose or type. Only your doctor will be able to give you those recommendations.

    Another thing to consider is grief counseling. There is a vast difference between not dwelling on your pain, and not properly grieving your loss. The first can get you through otherwise tough days, the second can come back to haunt you in ways that won't occur to you yet. You lost your child, and that is a profound loss. Give yourself a chance to acknowledge that loss and grieve it. Doing so doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong. Best of luck moving forward.

    All advice given based on lengthy personal experience.

    I am not a doctor, I just have a working medical vocabulary.

    Always available to answer questions about loss, infertility, and TRP.


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