Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Early mc

ive had three mc before all early around 5 week mark, with the last one being June 1st. U tested early this time because I really can't help myself. It was positive and I was calculated to be 3 weeks 6 days today. Got the positive two days ago. Today I feel some very slight left supra public pain. Very scared to mc again. Is this twinge normal? It's in the same spot. I guess I need some reassurance thanks yall.

Re: Early mc

  • I'm sorry for your losses! I hope all is well this time. I know I've read that some mild abdominal pain, cramping, spotting, etc. can all be perfectly normal in pregnancy. If you haven't already, you might want to reach out in the First Trimester board and/or the Pregnant After A Loss board, I'm sure you can get some positive outcome support there! And if course if you're a worrier like me, call your ob in the morning - maybe they can offer more reassurance or schedule an early appt to make sure all is progressing well. Good luck!!

         TTC #1 --- BFP #1 5/15, loss at 5 weeks --- BFP #2 12/15, loss at 4+3 --- RE testing 3/16 normal, still trying for our rainbow    

  • Thanks I am just such a worry wart!! I'm driving myself and DH crazy!
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