Hi to all and I am so so sorry for your losses, at whatever stage of the pregnancy they occurred. I just experienced a natural miscarriage at 10.5w and let me tell you...I was floored by what a physical and emotional journey it has been. I am here to learn how you all have coped with your loss(es). I have a 19 month old son who I am still nursing. I found out I was pregnant when I was 8.5 weeks and my husband and myself were overjoyed. I still hadn't gotten my period back after having my son (I think that I'm still breastfeeding has suppressed AF) so a positive HPT was shocking and awesome! blood work was great, HCG was right where it should have been for 8.5w (78K), and my ultrasound showed a kicking baby with a strong heart rate (170bpm at 8.5w). I had another U/s at 9.5w-same thing: strong heart, kicking squirming baby. Last Friday (10w2d) I started spotting a little. Nothing too concerning--very very light brown spotting. Saturday, pink spotting. By Sunday afternoon it was light pink spotting and i was having period-like cramping. I decided to put a call into my OB, who said she wanted to see me first thing Monday morning in her office because cramping along with light bleeding was cause enough for concern. The cramping continued to get more intense and by 9:30pm i was sitting on the bathroom floor doubled over in pain when I felt a "pop", very similar to the sensation of my water breaking with my son, and experienced a gush of bright red blood. I just knew at that instant that my pregnancy was over and made up my mind that I was going to get through it on my own (I did NOT want to go to the ER unless it was absolutely medically necessary). The contractions started right away--very very painful, heavy breathing/panting required. Every time the contraction "peaked" and pain was at its most severe, I would pass a large clot/fetal tissue moments later. I was bleeding a lot, though I did not feel like it was an unsafe amount of blood loss. I tried to stay hydrated in between contractions and focus on allowing my body to dilate/push so that as much could pass with each contraction as possible. My initial sense was to labor in the tub with warm water but I read somewhere that being in a tub while miscarrying could cause infection-so I was on the toilet. I did not look at what I passed at each contraction, just cried and flushed. My son woke up at around 1am and wanted to nurse. I was in so much pain at that point but i wanted to be able to care for him so I allowed him to nurse for half an hour or so while I laid in bed, experiencing the loss of one child while sustaining my other child. Him nursing actually caused my uterus to contract even more intensely and it was all over by 3am. I woke up on the bathroom floor at 4am and moved back into the bed. The next morning (Monday), my OB confirmed the miscarriage via abdominal ultrasound in her office and said that she could tell I had passed almost everything. I continued to have mild cramping/bleeding until today. At 3 points during the week, I passed larger pieces of placenta (golf ball sized) but for the most part it has just been light bleeding. And I am left an emotional wreck. I went to acupuncture yesterday, hoping for some sort of physical/emotional healing. It really did help. I stopped bleeding totally today (exactly 1 week post miscarriage) and am feeling much more like my old self. But with a giant piece missing from my heart. Love and light to all.
Re: Intro and my natural MC at 10.5W
It was like going through labor but coming out with nothing except heartache.
I gave myself time to grieve. By about 2 weeks post MC I started feeling more like myself.
There are still moments where I relive that night. For the most part I've tried to block it out. It hurt to much to relive it every time a doctor asked how I was doing or mentally reliving it when unknowing coworkers would ask how I was.
I have to say at this point I've gone back to my normal self (except for my weight gain and still larger than normal boobs) and my normal routine.
It's just one day at a time for me.
Hugs to you and so sorry for your loss ❤️
I wasn't coping well at all at first. Dealt with depression, I would space out and felt like a robot where my heart wasn't in anything I did. The only exception was some sweet moments with my 3 living kids. 2 toddlers and an infant. While they are such blessings and to an extent kept me busy, it can be hard to look at them playing together and remember we almost had our last this winter. My 3 year old actually asked me if we were still goving him a baby. I just smiled with tears in my eyes and told him we were as soon as the time was right.
Emotionally I'm doing a bit better as the days go on. Me and DH went to see a funny movie with close friends who knew about the MC (although thankfully it was not brought up) and I have started taking my evening walks again which helps a lot. There is no amount of time that is right or any way that is right. Im glad the acupuncture helped. Enjoy your little boy and make sure you take some time for yourself to feel what you need to.
Im so sorry for all you've been through. Hugs to you and your family!