hello everyone, I am experiencing my 2nd miscarriage. I was expected to be 6 weeks, and after my first MC, the doctors were measuring my Hcg levels and they went from 41 to 99 last week, to 70 on Thursday. Doctor said that I would be MC, so I elected to take Cytotec over the weekend. Took 4 200mg orally Friday, after 3 hours of waiting i had severe cramping that lasted about 2 hours, with very very slight spotting (not new blood either). After 24 hours with no bleeding I took the second dose. This time no cramping at all and again no bleeding. I felt absolutely nothing! Called the doctor and they said to continue to wait and if no bleeding by Wednesday, that I may need a third dose or D&C. Anyone have a similar experience? The wait it killing me, I just want this to be over with!