Hi Ladies, I haven't posted on here since earlier this month, I had a D&C on June 5th for a Blighted Ovum miscarriage. It was our first pregnancy and even though it was found early in the pregnancy it was still devastating. I've been doing good emotionally after the surgery, it was almost like a closure for me, all up until today. I received a bill in the mail from the surgery center and when I opened it I couldn't believe my eyes what the description of the surgery said. It reads "Treatment Of Missed Abortion". I would never in my life have an Abortion!!!! Isn't it supposed to read "Treatment of a Miscarriage"? A blighted Ovum was a pregnancy where the baby never developed and made it to the sac so I don't understand how this is considered an "Abortion"? I am just appalled, my dr never mentioned that this is the description of this surgical procedure, in fact on the papers I signed at the surgery center before I went in said "Dilation & Curretage" for miscarriage. Talk about a way to re-open old wounds and make a person feel like a piece of s****. Sorry, i'm just so upset and confused by this right now, and I was doing so good with healing emotionally and moving forward. For people who have received their bills, what was the description on yours?
Re: D&C Description Question, so mad!
Edited for typo.
You know, it is quite possible for a woman who has had an abortion in the past to still be devastated by a loss of a pregnancy that she hoped to take to term.
Also, from my understanding, miscarriages were originally referred to as abortions. Once it became an elective procedure, they used the same term to "lessen the blow"- same as if we used the term "miscarriage" for what we think of as an abortion. Makes it seem less awful. "Abortion" then took on the negative connotation and people turned to the word miscarriage.
All advice given based on lengthy personal experience.
I am not a doctor, I just have a working medical vocabulary.
Always available to answer questions about loss, infertility, and TRP.

@huskerfan246 , I understand you. Unfortunately this situation makes us all a little raw and exposed feeling. I took it a little too personally after I saw the cross-post. I'm sorry for that. I'm also sorry for your loss and that you experienced an unfortunate trigger. Sometimes we don't even realize what will trigger us until it's in our face and we're already fighting tears. It sucks.