
How long for supply to stabilize?

My LO is 3.5 weeks old and breastfeeding has been going very well. I started pumping this week so my DH can give a bottle. I only pump if I don't feed and I get anywhere from 5-7oz from both breasts in the morning. I think I have a strong letdown and milk supply and after not feeding for 2 hours my breasts hurt. LO is sleeping 3-5 hour blocks at night and will go 2-4 hours during the day without eating usually. She also doesn't always eat from both sides which leaves me very engorged. I am looking for advice on when my supply may stabilize and/or tips so my breasts don't hurt as LO goes longer in between feedings. Thanks

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Re: How long for supply to stabilize?

  • marijaa333marijaa333 member
    edited July 2015
    I've heard around week 10. But if you're pumping a lot as well as nursing, it could take longer.

    If you'd like to reduce your production, then just pump a little to relieve discomfort, but don't drain the breast. This will slow down the rate at which your body makes milk.
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  • I am in a similar situation but my baby had problems with latching so I was doing breast feeding and bottle supplement from pumping. Now I have so much pain all the time...not sure if I keep getting clogged ducts or just a strong letdown that never stops. I decided to pump exclusively every three hours, pumping one breast at a time for 15 minutes each and bottle feed her the expressed milk to see if I can regulate and slow my flow now so I don't have so much aching and lumps. It is making me feel really run down and as if I am getting a cold type of feeling- this started at week four for me. She is one month old now. I really hope this improves or I will have to stop for health reasons and I don't want to do that
  • @ccarrozza1 I had the pain and lumps (and a bout of mastitis as a result); i found that LO nursing was the best way to get rid of the clogged ducts!
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