Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Miscarriage or not?

Hi, this is my first pregnancy and we are believed to be about 6 weeks along. I started having some spotting a few days ago and a couple of hours later a couple drops of red blood came out while peeing. I had an ultra sound and a vaginal ultra sound where they could see the sac and no embryo or heart beat was seen. my HCG levels were normal (4000 ish) but my doctor believed I was miscarrying. I am rh negative so I was advised to have a rogam shot to prevent further complications in future pregnancies. They also tested my levels again but consoled us and sent us on our way to miscarry naturally. Two days later (yesterday) I got a phone call from my doctor saying my levels did in fact go up so there could still be a viable pregnancy but he wants to wait a week for another ultra sound. Has anyone experienced this and if so what was the outcome? I know everyone is different but it's basically torture going almost a week wondering one way or the other. The bleeding has continued but it is brownish not red. A bit gooey as well. I've read a lot of forums where there are similar situations but not many people follow up with them so I'm just looking for something, anything really. Thank you

Re: Miscarriage or not?

  • I am sorry you have to go through such a frightening wait. If you are looking for reassurance or positive outcomes to similar stories you might try asking the question on a different board. If it is in fact a miscarriage be sure to post again and we can offer support/advice. I am sending prayers and good thoughts your way. I hope you see the heartbeat next week. Xxxx
  • 6 weeks can be early to see the baby or HB - and its very easy for dates to be off by a few days or so which can make a big difference in what you do or don't see this early on. As for the spotting, Im sure you have read spotting can mean (or be from) several things. Your #s going up is a good sign for now. Try to relax until your next sono, that's really the only thing that will tell you more. Sorry for your worries and good luck!
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  • I'm sorry that you're in this situation! I agree with the suggestion about trying another board for positive outcome stories - maybe the 1st Trimester board or even the Pregnant After a Loss board? 

    In the meantime, like PP said, spotting can be perfectly normal during pregnancy. If you start bleeding heavily, have strong cramping, or start running a fever with no other illness (at least those were my experiences when I had a mc), then I'd say reach out to your doctor sooner. Otherwise, definitely try to keep your mind busy and stay as relaxed as possible! I hope all goes well with your appointment next week.

         TTC #1 --- BFP #1 5/15, loss at 5 weeks --- BFP #2 12/15, loss at 4+3 --- RE testing 3/16 normal, still trying for our rainbow    

  • I had something very similar happen today. U/s said no viable pregnancy at 6 weeks and 1 day. Hcg levels went up and no spotting or anything. I should be 7 weeks and 4 days. They want me to do another hcg quant. On Monday although suggested it was not likely. Heartbroken.
  • KJaspKJasp member
    Thank you all for your responses. Michelle, keep up the hope. It's all we can do. Not knowing is absolute torture for me. Praying that you have a good outcome. I have read a lot of forums where women are just letting their doctors do a D&C without being 100 percent sure. I do not have it in me to do that so being in limbo is the only option for me. I feel so helpless. I feel like I'm just sitting here waiting to lose my baby and there's nothing I can do about it.
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