
is this normal?? really need help

I just need advice. I'm new to breastfeeding my baby will be 2 weeks tomorrow and the last two days she has been nursing almost every hour and a half and it feels like my milk supply isn't keeping up with her. They (my breast) usually start to harden before she eats but They are staying soft. I have expressed by hand just to see if it was empty and it's not and she is having all the wet and dirty diapers she is susposed to. I plan on going to wic to speak with a lactation consultant tomorrow but I just want to know is this normal and if any other moms have been through this.. I really don't want to supplement with formula.

Re: is this normal?? really need help

  • Totally normal. She's putting in the milk order for next week when she hits a growth spurt. Just keep nursing on demand. It is totally exhausting but it will get better. 
  • 1. Hard boobs is a sign of being too full...soft boobs still can have plenty of milk. Your milk supply is keeping up with the amount she eats.

    2. My son is four months old. He still nurses every 90 minutes to three hours. This is okay.

    3. You know your baby is eating enough if he is gaining well, wetting diapers, and acts satisfied after eating.

    4. Boobs don't need more time to fill up between feeds. More eating means more production. Fuller breasts leads to less production.

    5. Your baby is still so little...just go with it unless there is a sign of a problem, like lots of fussiness at the boob or insufficient weight gain. Don't let anyone tell you that baby should be stretching out to longer intervals as they get older, either. Some do, shine nurse every couple of hours.

    You should also know that cluster feeding is normal. When baby is going through a growth spurt, or even at certain times of day, baby can nurse quite literally constantly. My son spent four weeks nursing almost continuously from four pm to nine pm.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • Also, sorry for the long reply! You reminded me of a conversation I had with my aunt this week in which she insisted that I needed to give my baby cereal at for months to spread out his feedings. Not only is this outdated advice, it could actually hurt milk supplies of women with lower storage capacity. I've been thinking about this issue alot and wondering how many women, like you, think they are doing something wrong because babyeats frequently.

    Keep it up! It is exhausting, as a pp said, but it is really for such a short time in the grand scale of things. Keep following your baby's cues! Good job, mom!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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