Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

First period after D&c

just getting my first period after my D&cjust which was a little over 4 weeks ago.
Is it normal to fill a super tampon in a half hour? No cramps or pain....
And the blood is really bright.
I'm sure it's normal but just annoying having to go to the bathroom ever hour.
Anyone else?

Re: First period after D&c

  • Haven't had mine yet but my dr said to expect it to be heavier than normal. The fun continues I guess.
  • Hello, sorry for your loss. Not quite the same as I am currently having my 1st after an ectopic with tube removal, but I am assuming it has the same kind of symptoms. This is the worse period I have ever had! Heavy bright red bleeding, migraines and severe cramping. My dr said this was normal and not to worry. Hope this helps. Lots of love xxx
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