My levels are now at 31 (they were 56 2 weeks ago). It has been 9 weeks sense I had a natural mc. Is this normal to still have HCG in my system this long after the mc?????
I am not sure, but mine were down well before that. Maybe you have not passed everything yet? Did they do an ultrasound to confirm? Have you contacted your ob?
They are going to do more bloodwork next week and an ultrasound. I spoke with my doctors office today. She said it's not to still have hcg levels 9 weeks post. Most people are below 10 by week 3 after the miscarrage. So basically...they don't know what's going on.
I just saw my PCM for a follow up this morning. He stated that your HCG should fall by half for each day post m/c or d&c. Mine was 10,000 at 9w2d Monday pre-D&C. That means it should be down to 2,500 today (2 days later) already. He also stated it was impossible to ovulate with HCG still in your system and that it should take 3-4 weeks or so to ovulate again, tops. That anything slower-dropping means some placental tissue was retained and churning out hormones.
Yes...I've been talking to her office. I feel like I'm getting g the run around! The made me an appointment on tuesday to get an ultrasound and talk to the actual doctor.....finally. they keep sending her messages bit not telling me anything.
My hcg was also dropping very slow and only got down to 400 after three weeks straight of bleeding and cramping. I asked for an ultrasound and sure enough, the entire sac was still there. Be proactive and keep requesting tests if need be. You need to get back to 'normal' for your sanity's sake! Good luck and keep us posted!
DS Maxwell - 08/25/2009
Wedded Bliss - 05/19/15
MC - 05/15/15 & 7/29/15 & 11/25/15 (You were wished for, hoped for and loved)
I'm four weeks post d&c and today took a test to see a BFN. I could've been to zero earlier, but couldn't muster the strength until now to face the test.
DS Maxwell - 08/25/2009
Wedded Bliss - 05/19/15
MC - 05/15/15 & 7/29/15 & 11/25/15 (You were wished for, hoped for and loved)
Well...I didn't need to do the bloodwork. I have poc that did not pass. I will have to do a DnC now. I didn't bleed or get an infection (signs the mc did not complete) so I didn't think I still have placenta etc still in me.
I'm so sorry to hear that @jak1977 I'm hoping it will be the final step though in your full physical recovery. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery. When is the D&C scheduled?
Re: 9 weeks post m/c and I still have HCG that normal???
I'm sorry for your loss xx
Have you contacted your doc yet?
they keep sending her messages bit not telling me anything.
I didn't bleed or get an infection (signs the mc did not complete) so I didn't think I still have placenta etc still in me.
I'm hoping it will be the final step though in your full physical recovery. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery. When is the D&C scheduled?
On the upside, it should be a cakewalk in the cycle following the procedure. We're really rooting for you!