i had a cp in April and at the beginning of June we found out we were pregnant. I was so happy then last Sunday I found out that I had miscarriage. I started spotting the Wednesday befor they confirmed it. This Wednesday I will be bleeding for 2 weeks and I was just wondering how long it lasted for you? I also got nauseous out of the blue tonight like I did when I was pregnant. Did anyone else have symptoms like this?
Re: Bleeding how long did it last?
If it's some consolation, the bad contractions only lasted for an hour or two. At first I was feeling discouraged and hopeless because of the pain. If I had known it was only going to be bad for an hour, two tops, than I would have felt better about powering through, but I had no idea. I kept thinking "if this goes on all night I will die." I wish ppl had told me that mc "cramping" is really like early labour and not like cramps. I was terrified. Just know that when it hits the fan that it's scary but it won't go on forever. Once I was about to pass the sac I felt better (physically) almost immediately even though I didn't realize why until later.
I hope that things go as smoothly as possible for you and try not to be afraid. It's a scary process but now that I'm on "the other side" of it, I can assure you that you'll make it through even if you feel like you can't.
6/14-36 (day of confirmed miscarriage)
They said I had an ectopic so they gave me methotrexate and that should resolve the pregnancy. Has anyone else taken this? What side effects did you have and did you only need one dose?
It was just a lot and I had no clue what yesterday was going to be like. Did you drink on the medicine how much is ok?