July 2015 Moms

My silly breech baby

I've been doing all the exercises, sitting on yoga ball and bouncing, and swimming in pool for last two days and I'm pretty sure he's higher now than ever before, I didn't even think that was possible....he's sooo confused or is just wanting to stay as close to my heart as possible ☺️

Re: My silly breech baby

  • I just found out this morning mines breech too! I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow so the way I look at it I have one week to set her straight. I have chiro on Thursday and Version on Monday (which I'm not looking forward to!).

    I was told to play music to my crotch and invert my uterus by getting on all fours and lowering my chest to the ground. Not sure any of it will work but it's worth a try! Good luck you.
  • You've got up until the day you're actually in labor for your baby to turn, I'm not sure if all those remedies that people do to turn your baby works 100% because I was told by my doctor that my baby was head down without even knowing that she flipped... Baby will flip and get into position when he/she is ready. That's the way I see it
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  • Lol! I dropped and was breathing so good, then all of a sudden had a bunch of sharp pains and trouble breathing... Today at my doc app she could find the heart beat, so she squeezed the top of my belly to basically hold the baby still (so horrible sounding!!) and then found it high up. I said "she's breech isn't she?" And my doctor kind of chuckled and said "yea that was her head up top" I'm having a c section anyways so it don't matter.. But little one turned on me at 35 weeks... Her sister (youngest) turned at 38.. Did a full turn, went head up, breech and head down.. Booger!
  • I mean transverse!
  • I'm 36w4d and my baby hasn't turned! Docs here are set on turning baby now that I am having an EVC today. I really wanted to reject but they told me if I did that I would end up having a c/s and I really don't want that.

    My midwife told us to try moxibustion. It seemed like it was working. Also go to the pool and do headstones lol if you can and go to WWW.SPINNINGBABIES.COM they have pretty cool techniques that might help. Good luck!!
  • My baby girl is breech. She's been breech the entire time.. I guess she's just content where she's at! I tried everything.. even laying frozen vegetables and ice at the top of my belly by her head to get her to move.. nothing worked. So, we scheduled my c-section for July 6th. I really didn't want a c-section but there are risks involved with them physically trying to turn her and even if it is successful there's a chance she could just flip back.. so I'm just going with my gut on this one. 
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  • I think they are all real happy staying with us, inside for as long as possible
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