I would anyway. Most MCs complete themselves naturally but it's best to explain to your doctor what you are experiencing and so they can tell you what to look out for that may indicate a need for medical attention. I've had 2 MCs this year, one was very early on and completed itself naturally. I never went to the Dr. because it was over so quickly. This time it is different, taking longer and I will be treating with meds and need a follow up sono to make sure it completed. I don't know your situation so your doctor would be the best one to talk to. Edited to add: most doctors will also have you come in to make sure thats what is actually happening and not something more minor.
Yes. If you are rh negative and miscarry an rh positive baby, future rh positive pregnancies will result in complications or miscarriage but can be prevented with a rhogam shot within 72 hours of bleeding. Also, they can scan to make sure everything passes. So sorry for your loss. The first week is by far the roughest.
Yes let you doctor know it's really important to allow your doctor to make sure everything passes like it should. So sorry for your loss I have suffered a loss too and understand all the emotions you go through.
I am sorry you are going through this. Absolutely let your doctor know, for all the reasons PP gave above. If you start filling more than 4 pads an hour please get to an ER asap, try to have someone else (your SO) drive.
There's much to be said for being in the comfort of your own home, except in the case of complications like excessive bleeding.
Re: im having a miscarriage
Edited to add: most doctors will also have you come in to make sure thats what is actually happening and not something more minor.
There's much to be said for being in the comfort of your own home, except in the case of complications like excessive bleeding.