Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

I didn't want to have to go through this again

babbysweet2babbysweet2 member
The dr took my blood and for where they think I am at 5 weeks I could be earlier. They said my level was 44. I went to the hospital today because I started bleeding they said my level was 36. I guess that is it for me this will be the second baby we lost. It isn't fair I wish that it didn't happen like this. I want to try again but how am I supposed to enjoy my pregnancy without fear of a miscarriage? I really hope we get out baby soon. We were going to tell your families next Sunday for Father's Day and it just hurts that now we can't.

Re: I didn't want to have to go through this again

  • Im very sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you feel right now. I had my first loss in March. Chemical pregnancy at just over 4 weeks. Im going through my second loss right now which is a missed miscarriage, I should be 11w5dw. It seems incredibly unfair, frustrating, baffling.
    After losing the 1st I didn't think I could go on trying if we lost another. But here I sit not ready to give up, we want a 4th child more than anything. Unfortunately there is no real way to fully enjoy the early stages of a pregnancy after a previous loss. This pregnancy I just took it day by day. Felt better after a while and even if that happiness wound up being for nothing, I now know there will be a point I reach where I will feel better next time. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people and if you do decide to try again take every day that something dosn't go wrong as a blessing.
    Is there any testing your Dr can do to see if you have a hormonal imbalance of some kind? I plan on asking about some simple blood tests to see if there is an issue we can rectify.
    I wish you so much luck going forward. Im hoping we get our rainbow babies soon.
  • I hope so. I have an appointment on the 23rd and we are going to talk about where we go next. Just scared and wish I know why this keeps happening. And right around the same times 5 weeks.
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  • Hi girls, I was in the same boat, had my first miscarriage in Feb, after trying a year to get pregnant, and our 2nd miscarriage last week, first was 6 weeks and this one was 7 weeks, so I am wondering is there something wrong that I can't get past this stage. Im not sure where you are from but here in the UK they don't start investigating until the 3rd miscarriage. We were about to start investigations into why we can't get pregnant in the first place but now they don't do that either as we can GET pregnant - so we are kind of in limbo and just hoping it will be 3rd time lucky for us. It's our first baby and we are 34 so it's scary thinking maybe it isn't going to happen for us at all. I do have 2 friends who both miscarried twice in a row then had beautiful babies so I am keeping that in mind and trying to stay positive.
    So sorry for both your losses. I hope you both are blessed with healthy pregnancies and beautiful babies soon x
  • I am so, so sorry for your loss :( I had 2 miscarriages in less than a year, so I totally know the feeling.  Still waiting on a rainbow baby.  I have a friend who had 2 or 3 unexplained miscarriages at 5 weeks and then went on to have a healthy baby, so there is definitely still hope for you, even if they don't know the cause of your early miscarriages.  Regarding how to enjoy your next pregnancy without fear of miscarriage, I am on my 3rd pregnancy now and am struggling with that same question! I think we just have to take things one day at a time.  Sending you positive thoughts!
  • I'm so sorry.
    I just went through this myself last week.
    I have the same reservations about trying again.
    It's very fresh right now and I feel like it's going to take time to heal.
  • ALC08ALC08 member
    I would request testing to find out if there is a problem. I recently miscarried twice in 8 months and had blood work which showed i have MTHFR. There are several issues with fairly simple treatments that may keep you from experiencing this heartache again. We are about to start TTC again soon and I am nervous. I don't know at what point in another pregnancy i will be able to breathe easy after having been through it twice. I wish you the best of luck!!
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