Hi ladies! I'm an active member of June 2015, FTM due on Friday (!). I posted a shorter version of this question there. I searched the boards for a similar thread but didn't see one - apologies if I overlooked something.
I am planning to EBF if possible. I will have 4-6 months "at home" with LO. We are in Germany til s/he is 2 months old, U.S. from 2-6 months, then Germany 6-10 months and UK from 10+ months.
These countries all have different electrical currents. Insurance will cover one good pump (up to $400-ish). I have zapped enough hair dryers to be wary of frying a new pump.
My mother is helping me find parts to use my SIL's old Medela in the U.S. But I am not sure what to do in these first two months, or overall. Is it foolish to try to skip pumping for now? Should I get a hand pump just in case? Should I use insurance to buy a pump for Germany?
We do not have a freezer right now, but will have one in the U.S. (when LO is 2-6 months).
Thanks for any tips or advice - even what may be super obvious to you! Flying blind here...