Hi ladies,
Just would like to hear some of your experiences, me & my fiancè have been discussing TTC conceive for a awhile now, In the past year I've been diagnosed with PCOS & endometriosis, I haven't had a period or ovulation cycle in about 2 years which sparked the investigatons and led to the diagnosis, despite endocrinologists and ob-gyns help they haven't been able to kick start my cycles, I'm so scared that I won't be able to give my fiancé a baby, he is very supportive and constantly tells me that we will work around it if the outcome is that I cannot conceive. I'm really frightened for the future.
Has anyone else had a similar brush with this sort of thing, I would love to hear from some of you if you could spare a reply.
Thank you so much xxx :-bd
Re: Rough time!
thank you for your replys. Xxxxxx