Baby Names

How to use/change the name Kalie as a MN to honor sister?

My BFF and sister is named Kalie (pronounced Kay-lee) and I want to honor her, but don't love how Kalie flows with just about every name. I'm also not wanting to use it as a first name. What other names or ways can I use it??
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Re: How to use/change the name Kalie as a MN to honor sister?

  • Does your sister have a middle name that is better than Kalie?
    Vive Les Frasers
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  • Agree with PPs, use her middle name (unless it is awful).
  • rrr222rrr222 member
    What about Kaelyn as a middle name? The women and girls i've met with that name have always been super sweet so the name has a good feel to me. Funny how that works.

    What first names are you considering?

    What is your sister's middle name? My family by tradition gives the first daughter the middle name of the grandmother, second daughter the middle name of the mother. It's neat because after a generation, it makes it easy to name new babies after more than one significant relative. That's just us, but you maybe you could start a new tradition in your family using the suggestion of @MixedBerries88 and @LizWhiz87 and @brita72 and use the middle name of your sister Kalie if you like it better. 
  • g8trkimg8trkim member
    I'm not a big fan of changing names to honor someone so I would also suggest using her middle name. If not, I like the Kay suggestion.

  • She is all for naming the baby Kalie, but I don't want them to have the same name. She'll want to use her middle name for her children. It's Michelle and I have a best friend Michelle, so I didn't want to feel awkward using fm that since I'm not naming my baby after the friend...
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby G
  • First names we're considering are Georgia, Gemma, Lauren, Keira. We haven't fully decided
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby G
  • I think you could just use Kalie or Kay as others have suggested. I think Georgia and Gemma both flow well with either one. Yes, Kalie isn't the best, but if it's to honor your sister, then I say just go for it. Middle names aren't used that much any way. But if you really don't like it, then I think any K name is the next best bet

  • All of the names you love are better than Kalie, no offense to your sister. How about using Kay as a middle name? My friend's sister is Kayleigh and they call her Kay so it's a logical idea. Gemma Kay, Georiga Kay and Lauren Kay would all work nicely.

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
  • I agree that using Kay as a mn would work well.
  • rrr222rrr222 member
    That IS tough about the MN...

    What about Katherine or Kelly? At least the K is still there... Lol

    Gemma Katherine
    Georgia Katherine
    Lauren Katherine

    I like Keira but not with a double K

    I agree that Kay sounds pretty but I only like it with Lauren of your FN picks

    Maybe two middle names?

    I'm liking the sound of making her the godmother instead as someone mentioned earlier on
  • I thought about doing two middle names. I've been thinking about this for a long time and I'm just stuck.
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby G
  • I agree with other posters, with the (lovely) names you suggested, using Kay as a middle name is a nice way to honor your sister. Gemma Kay and Georgia Kay both sound great.
  • I feel like we have all done good work here today. @SassyLew2 please check in when you have a final name! I'm personally pulling for Gemma Kay.

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
  • What about Kaidence?
  • You can choose a name starting with K to honor her?
  • What about Kaidence?

    That is not a name.
  • Georgia Kay!
  • g8trkimg8trkim member

    What about Kaidence?

    No, please no.

  • We're only going to use Kay or Kalie no other K names. Is having two middle names a huge mouthful and hassle?
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby G
  • g8trkimg8trkim member
    I'm not a fan of double middle names.

  • I'm not a fan of 2 middle names, either.
    Married 10/4/2014 (10-4, good buddy!)
    Baby Boy #1 born 1/9/17
    Baby Boy #2 EDD 11/4/18
    "It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.  You rarely win, but sometimes you do."  -Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird

  • Not a fan of double middles. 
  • I'm not a fan of double middle names. But would you be using Kalie Kay or what would the second middle name be?
  • I don't know what order we would use, but Kalie and then another family name.. Probably Abigail or Amelia
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby G
  • SassyLew2 said:

    I don't know what order we would use, but Kalie and then another family name.. Probably Abigail or Amelia

    I definitely don't think this will work. Keep it simple and go with Kay.
  • We aren't planning on using two. Just seems like a big mouthful
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby G
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