
What Bottles Do You Use?

So looking for some idea's of what kind of bottles are good for breastfeed babies? Thank you!

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: What Bottles Do You Use?

  • nursej519nursej519 member
    edited May 2015
    Avent Natural. The lactation consultant recommended Medela Calma but it was too hard for my premie to get any out of it
  • We haven't done any bottles yet (waiting until she's 2 months) but I plan on using dr Browns and Como tomo bottles. Hopefully those will work. I used Avent bottles with my first child And they worked fine.
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  • AmCheriAmCheri member
    I've had two LCs recommend the Playtex nurser with drop-in liners and to use a slow-flow nipple.
    Baby girl Lila born 2013.
    Baby boy Henry born 2015.
    Expecting our capstone baby (boy) early March 2018.
  • salovedsaloved member
    Any experience with the mimijumi or the Adiri NxGen Nurser?!

    Someone suggested dr brown but I am not a fan. Any other suggestions?

    I am trying to decide on bottles and it's crazy to choose!
  • We started out with the medela bottles for convenience's sake, but she has a hard time latching on the small nipple base since she's used to breast. We switched to tommy tippee when the dr wanted us to start supplementing with pumped milk to up weight gain, and have had much more success. The wider base and thicker silicone is much easier for her to latch, and she's not swallowing nearly as much air.
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