January 2016 Moms

Before your BFP what signs tipped you off?

svnna94svnna94 member
edited May 2015 in January 2016 Moms
I got my bfp at 3w5d @ 13dpo. Although, the positive was quite expected. This is my 2nd pregnancy, my first sadly ended at 8w in June of last year. So I'm super excited and kind of worried but I'm starting positive! Any who....

The symptoms that really tipped me off was at 7dpo when I got pink cm with red dots on the tp after wiping, I NEVER spot before my period, a huge one for me was cramping since 6 dpo until today, I knew I was PG because cramping so much as 7-8 days before AF was unheard of for me. I also have been exhausted the whole TWW... Not just sleepy but down right tired. I Noticed some waves of nausea but sometimes that happens on non BFP cycles so I didn't pay much attention to that. The mood swings were another. I started do feel like a big jerk, knowing I'm being mean to DH and crying at the drop off a hat. I just couldn't control my emotions lol.

My EDD is 1/13/16.
Congrats to all you ladies with BFP's!! I look forward to reading all about how you knew, before you knew


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Re: Before your BFP what signs tipped you off?

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    svnna94svnna94 member
    edited May 2015
    Peeing for me as well but that was after my bfp. Congratulations!
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    I was an emotional wreck like never before. Was about to drown my sorrows in wine and something said test... 11dpo BFP
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    If it wasn't for the positive pee stick and blood test I still wouldn't know.
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    Sore boobies, hurts so bad! And metal mouth all the time, and tired. I had all these things before I tested at 10 dpo.
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    @chineymachine I had that taste almost like a copper taste tho with my son! Not pleasant :-<
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    bb2850bb2850 member
    Nausea, sore breasts, increased cm( sorry tmi), extremely tired! My biggest was my very visible veins. I just knew then lol. This my second pregnancy and I never had any symptoms with my first. BFP at 10 dpo(:
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    Fatigue, slightly sore boobs, a tiny bit of nausea, and I was 3 days late. I was still surprised at the BFP though.
    Love: 03.04.06
    Married: 07.14.14
    BFP: 04.05.15
    EDD: 01.08.15
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    I was talking about pms because of my mood and my husband said he thought I was pregnant. Lol
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    EmXaEmXa member
    I had a very bizarre cramp right in the center instead of on the sides like I normally do when I am about to get my period. That gave me an inkling I might be.
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    I did my first hpt on Monday (4w0d) and it was negative, so I was expecting AF any day. My boobs got sore and I was tired, like I always am before AF starts. But then I realized that I wasn't grouchy and didn't have cramps. I normally have severe cramps 1-2 days before starting, so I knew something was up! Tested again yesterday (4w3d) and got a bfp.
    TTC 2009-2011, Clomid-IUI #4 on 4/26/11 --> B/G Twins Emmett and Miranda 10/27/11 at 28w3d
    Surprise BFP 5/7/15!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Waves of nausea, having to pee every 2 seconds, and very thirsty

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    This time nothing tipped me off. In fact, when I tested I assumed I was out this cycle.

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Baby #5 due 12.31.15

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    No signs... My period was only two days late and my partner left the a test on the sink before bed. Got up to pee in the morning and tested positive!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Chapped lips, to the point of bleeding. And it felt like someone was trying to saw off my nipples with a dull butter knife, even outside of my shirt and bra. 
    sam & arlo 

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    Frequent peeing and being tired all the time tipped me off!
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    I had been exhausted and my boobs hurt and got massive. At 4 days late I decided it was time to test, even though deep down I already knew.
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    Mildly sore, heavy boobs, and exhausted! Midday, I started getting so sleepy and I couldn't keep my eyes open at work.
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    Crazy veiny heavy boobs! I'm already up a cup size at 4w1d...and dizzy spells when standing up too fast along with general fatigue/no energy.
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    debstrobeldebstrobel member
    edited May 2015
    Nothing at all really. Felt great during my 2ww! I had the same kind of cramping that I get before my period. I thought there was no way I could be pregnant. I took a test at 13 dpo for the heck of it. It turned a dark positive before I could even blink! And after trying for over 2 years I started balling crying on the toilet from happiness!!! Lol!
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    Somehow, I forgot about the chapped lips. Why does that even happen? I started complaining about it and DH said, "Don't you remember having 50 different lip balms on your nightstand last time?" Apparently not!
    TTC 2009-2011, Clomid-IUI #4 on 4/26/11 --> B/G Twins Emmett and Miranda 10/27/11 at 28w3d
    Surprise BFP 5/7/15!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    tuitwotuitwo member
    Dizziness from the drop in BP.
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    sjames2sjames2 member
    Nothing tipped me off. But looking back... Chapped lips, heartburn, tired, thirsty for water, and peeing.

    Together since July 21 2002

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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    I wasn't even late yet, I felt nothing actually until I saw brown spotting when I wiped.... Thought it was AF, then expecting the flow to increase... It didn't, it was less... Wayyyy less. Took a hpt and here we are!!
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    Cramping after sex last Saturday that still hasn't gone away, lol.
    TTC my #1 with PCOS since June 2010.
    Countless Clomid&Femara Cycles.
    Feb. 2014-April 2015=AF arrived on time. 
    EDD: January 14, 2016. Finally.image
    Expecting One Healthy Baby Girl!!!
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