April 2014 Moms

Thursday poll (Feeling frisky)

Jazma11Jazma11 member
edited April 2015 in April 2014 Moms
go to sex position

Thursday poll (Feeling frisky) 43 votes

58% 25 votes
9% 4 votes
20% 9 votes
Reverse cowgirl
0% 0 votes
Prone bone
4% 2 votes
6% 3 votes
Standing (one or both partners)
0% 0 votes
0% 0 votes
SSS (sluty special snowflake ;))
0% 0 votes

Re: Thursday poll (Feeling frisky)

  • So maybe I'm a prude...what's prone bone? X_X
  • The older I get, the happier I am with the comfy efficiency of missionary and doggy style. I have no patience for calisthenetics and my knees are totally shot. Guess I got boring lol.

    March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves


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  • So maybe I'm a prude...what's prone bone? X_X

    It's like doggy style but instead of the girl on her knees, she is laying down.
  • @0jamielynn0 I had no idea what prone bone was either! I'm a missionary gal... Man it's been awhile, since DH has been sick. I need some!
  • I have never heard of prone bone either!

    Apparently we (myself included) need to spice things up!
  • DH and I have never figured out both standing.

    Apparently I've done prone bone, just never knew it was called that.
  • 56% missionary?! We got to spice things up ladies!
  • Apparently I'm prone bone all the way then.  I never knew it had a name, but it makes sense.  It also feels the best, post partum.  Missionary, my tear catches sometimes.  Doggy is better but things are 'mushy' and I feel like 90's infommercial 'Gak' sometimes with all the misplaced lady parts.
  • Ah I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know prone bone! Turns out I'm a fan and didn't know it had a name :)
  • Omg @smushi I love the description! That is hilarious.
    My husband likes "prone bone" but lately it's been missionary or doggy.
    I love the days when we can take our time, but they're few and far between!
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