I have an elective ultrasound scheduled for Friday.Which will make me 15w1d.I had to go in for an emergency ultrasound last week due to bleeding.I asked ultrasound tech if she could tell us the sex but she couldn't due to policy.I then told her I had an elective one this week and she said to ask if it was being done vaginally or abdominally because I'm on the heavier side it may be hard to determine sex via abdominally.I'm a size 14-16 and heavier in thighs n butt.I mean I obviously have stomach fat lol but not ridiculously. Now I'm worried ultrasound may be a waste of time and money. I mean regardless I would love to see baby but I will get an anatomy scan in five weeks.This elective ultrasound is $150 and three hours away.So just wondering if anyone may be plus sized and had success finding out sex with abdominal ultrasound early ?
Re: any plus size moms find out sex of baby via ultrasound before 20 weeks?
Married: December 19, 2009
I was recommended to consume sugar to get the baby moving before my US so we'll see if that helps!
Anyway, they told me to drink sugar and caffeine about 15 minutes before to ensure baby was moving around. I drank the first Coke I've had since I found out I was pregnant and felt sick! But baby was very active so you might consider it. Good luck!!