September 2015 Moms

any plus size moms find out sex of baby via ultrasound before 20 weeks?

I have an elective ultrasound scheduled for Friday.Which will make me 15w1d.I had to go in for an emergency ultrasound last week due to bleeding.I asked ultrasound tech if she could tell us the sex but she couldn't due to policy.I then told her I had an elective one this week and she said to ask if it was being done vaginally or abdominally because I'm on the heavier side it may be hard to determine sex via abdominally.I'm a size 14-16 and heavier in thighs n butt.I mean I obviously have stomach fat lol but not ridiculously. Now I'm worried ultrasound may be a waste of time and money. I mean regardless I would love to see baby but I will get an anatomy scan in five weeks.This elective ultrasound is $150 and three hours away.So just wondering if anyone may be plus sized and had success finding out sex with abdominal ultrasound early ?

Re: any plus size moms find out sex of baby via ultrasound before 20 weeks?

  • Well I'm a 18/20 and I have an excessive amount of skin on my stomach from a 265 weight loss. I've had 2 ultrasounds @ 8.5w and 12.5w both abdominal and both with clear photos. I have my gender scan schedules for 18.5 weeks.
  • I'm the same size as you ! I had no problem finding out the gender with my second son, even though the earliest I had it done was 17 weeks. I'm going to wait til 20 weeks just because I'm undecided if I'm really ready to know the gender !

     Married: Decemb
    er 19, 2009
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  • I'm basically the same size as you & I have an ultrasound on Thursday which would put me at 16+4. When I had gone in two weeks prior, they told me not to expect to see the sex because here was a very small chance they'd be able to see it ): but we'll see!

    I was recommended to consume sugar to get the baby moving before my US so we'll see if that helps!
  • I'm a 14-16 too and had no problem getting early gender US at 14 weeks!  We're having a girl.... :)   

  • I honestly wouldn't schedule an u/s for gender before 16wks at the absolute earliest. It's not impossible weather you're plus size or not but there's no guarantee they will be able to tell that early. My best friend is small (height) but plus size weight and they couldn't tell at her 15 week scan. She paid for it but had to have another one at 18 weeks to find out the sex.
  • I'm a size 14 who had a 12 week one yesterday because my doctor isn't going to do another one until 18-20 weeks. I wanted to see baby again before we told anyone just because I wanted reassurance that all was well.

    Anyway, they told me to drink sugar and caffeine about 15 minutes before to ensure baby was moving around. I drank the first Coke I've had since I found out I was pregnant and felt sick! But baby was very active so you might consider it. Good luck!!
  • I'm a size 16 and big in the middle and I've had two ultrasounds. I'm 13w3d. they haven't had a problem getting a clear picture except when baby is hiding. but they do have to push painfully hard on my stomach...I don't know if that's normal with non plus size women too? but it's so uncomfortable I hope once I'm at a certain point they can stop pressing so hard...good luck with your gender ultrasound! transvaginal might be a better route for you as well they've done one on me at 6w4d but didn't have to at 10w4d so it's a toss up I guess.
  • I just had an ultrasound and I'm 13 weeks. I'm plus size about a dress size 16/18, but carry my weight evenly (except in the boob area, those I carry more weight than anyone should be burdened with!) My tech told me that if the baby cooperates they can tell by now with pretty good accuracy. My little bug is a mover and likes to lay with his booty towards the front, and she had me roll from side to side and get him to reposition. I asked her if she could tell and told her to just tell me what she thought even if she wasn't 100%. So we think it's a boy! He wasn't being too cooperative but he did settle for a moment. In both of my ultrasounds at 11 weeks and 13 weeks, the picture has been clear. My tech told me not to plan on for sure knowing the sex until my mid pregnancy ultrasound in 6 weeks. You may be able to find out now, but I wouldn't count on it. And some techs wont tell moms this early, just in case they are wrong. So if money is tight, I would wait until your next scan. I honestly just got lucky and connected with a tech who decided to humor a young first time mom. She did make it clear that I should go out and buy all boy stuff until my next scan, just in case she was wrong. I'm just happy we have a guess! Plus I have/had a feeling it was a boy :) 
  • I did elective ultrasounds with my first two & had no problem. I think they were between 15-16 weeks & I was a size 12-14.
  • I am a size 16/18 and I had an US (NT) yesterday at 12 weeks, 6 days and the tech said she was 90 percent sure it was a boy. We think we saw "parts". We have our anatomy scan in 6 weeks at 18 weeks 5 days and should know for sure by then. I think you will be okay as long as your little one cooperates!
  • I was the same size as you with my twins and they could tell at 12 and 13 weeks respectively. It might have been easier because they were both boys, but they could tell right away.


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thank you Ladies!!!! I'm going to visit my mom in GA next week. So its kind of a now or wait until I get back which I'll get the anatomy scan.I'm going to go ahead and go even if she can't tell I get to see my little peanut again :) If she can't tell I can go back free of charge on later date.So excited for Friday!
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