Hi there -
I had my NT test on 3/6, which was done in conjunction with my panorama test and UltraScreen. My results for the NT test were good, along with me being low risk on my Ultrascreen test for downs and what not. My doctor did tell me that I had a low PAPP-A level, and said that all it does is put me at a higher risk for preeclampsia. She did not seem concerned at all, but did recommend that I take a low does of aspirin in the morning. She also said that I will have a few more ultrasounds in my third trimester, but still seemed confident that there was little to worry about it.
I also took a panorama test, for the gender of course. I'm still waiting on the results of that, which I should have tomorrow. I'm freaking out a bit because I did not know that this test checked again for chromosomal issues (downs) and Im nervous that although everything came back fine on my ultrascreen, what if it comes out bad on my panorama? In all honestly, I think I am done with genetic testing for the second trimester. This is too nerve-wracking, ugh. I just want to have a worry-free pregnancy. It's bad enough that I am already high-risk due to my autoimmune disease, these tests are only adding more stress!
Thoughts ladies?
Re: NT Test/UltraScreen/Panorama