April 2014 Moms

Baby shoes

I have seen this before a while ago but can't find it. Now that my LO is walking around I want to get him shoes for outside. Any recommendations?

Re: Baby shoes

  • No input, but following for sure! I had this same question... I need ones that will stay on!!!
  • We use soft shoes still even outside. I get Robeez or knock off brands like them. They are expensive, but easy to find used or on Amazon for less.
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  • I love stride rite. They have shoes with harder bottoms but are flexible still too!



    Proud Mommy of Derek Michael

    April 8, 2014 9lb 6oz 21 inches

  • We just got a pair of pedipeds that we love. They're soft soles but provide a little more structure than robeez. Kind of like an in between shoe.
  • We have been and will continue to use moccasins. We buy them on etsy Bc freshly picked is too expensive
  • We use Stride Rite. Both DS1 & this LO have wide feet, so LO got DS1's 1st pair. Hand me downs rock ;-)

    Baby Boy #2 is on the way!

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • We were just told by daycare that DD has to wear them in the new class, which she will move too soon. How long is it generally suggested that they wear soft shoes most of the time?
  • We were just told by daycare that DD has to wear them in the new class, which she will move too soon. How long is it generally suggested that they wear soft shoes most of the time?

    I don't know the official recomendations, but I try to do it until they are walking very confidently on most types of ground
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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I love Robeez or the know off for inside and stride right for outside. DD is no wear near walking yet and can kick/pull off most shoes at this point so we don't really do any for her yet. Also I have read that whenever possible to let them go without shoes as it helps with development. Oh Skidderz is another good brand for softer shoes, and I think they do some harder soles too. 
  • Bought some Robeez...they pretty much have no sole and don't really see the point of them. I second Pediped...supportive for outside but still very flexible soles.
  • I posted it a while back. We went to Stride Rite and had her fitted. Best thing ever! She's quite a mover!!!
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