September 2015 Moms

finding out baby gender

DH and I are so back and forth on this. We can find out baby's the end of april, but are unsure if we will or not. My biggest fear is finding out, preparing for one, and they're wrong. I've had family members who have been told an inaccurate gender (granted it was like 20 years ago) but does anyone else have this fear or am I crazy?
Married 9/5/14

Re: finding out baby gender

  • I think you're pretty safe as far as innacurate gender goes (not that it never happens, but it doesn't happen a lot!). I'm sure you can also make sure to tell the tech you only want to be told if they have a good, clear view. That being said, my SO and I aren't finding out the sex, but not for any reason other than we (okay, okay, *I*) want to be surprised and not pre-cast our babes in a gender role :)
  • I was the exact same way! I have been so dead set on not wanting to know and be surprised with everyone when baby is born, but DH is trying his hardest to sway me haha plus my sister in law just had a baby girl and they found out the gender ahead of time, they got such cute clothes!! Haha I still keep going back to not wanting to know though, there are so few surprises left in life and this is a good one!
    Married 9/5/14
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  • This is our first and we're keeping it a surprise; everyone seems shocked when we tell people we're waiting because it's definitely not the norm these days! But I figure there are so few true surprises in life, I want this to be one of them :) I figure the anticipation will be even greater on the day of! For us, we didn't have a need to find out early; we're doing a gender neutral color, elephant-themed nursery and are registering for all gender-neutral items so we can reuse some things for our next baby regardless of the gender. Plus, I love baby clothes shopping, so I'm looking forward to doing most of the clothes shopping myself after the baby is born!
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