September 2015 Moms

Counteracting weight gain from 1st trimester?

I probably just need to go to my next OB appt and have my Dr tell me not to worry...but in the mean time. 
I had a very rough 1st trimester of nausea and vomit like many of you. This is my third baby so maybe that comes into play, but my scale leads me to believe I have gained 8+lbs in 13 weeks. I am working out - running on treadmill, T25, pregnancy project DVDs and eating fruit and veggies (truthfully this is the past 2 weeks). Any suggestions for slowing weight gain down or losing unnecessary survival pounds I put on? This is my third pregnancy and I have never had this issue before :( 

Re: Counteracting weight gain from 1st trimester?

  • Wish I had some sound advice, but as a ftm and not a health care practicioner- I can't offer anything super solid. I have read not to try to counteract or lose the extra weight one may have gained in first tri. However, I've also read a lot of warnings and advice my OB has said not to worry about following. I will be interested in seeing what your OB advises you to do- I feel like a lot of women feel they have this problem. * I feel this way too!*
  • Hey there! I actually have wondered the exact same thing. The way I rationalized it to myself, its getting warm out, we are feeling more energized and less nauseous so I feel like a lot of us that packed on the lbs over the last couple months may level out and possibly lose some over the next trimester naturally. I personally feel pretty much back to normal. My cravings have subsided, I feel like I actually have some self control again with food and I have so much energy it's crazy! I haven't weighed at all since I found out I was pregnant out of fear and embarrassment and figure my OB will tell me if there's a concern so I'm just gonna see what the next couple of months bring. You sound super active and healthy so I imagine if you stay on that program, you will have no issues.
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  • FTM and I've gained 16 pounds... I was not big before either, but I wasn't underweight either even though I was on the close side. Prior to my pregnancy I had lost about 110 lbs and kept if off give or take 7 lbs due to our wedding and honeymoon, so this extra 16 lbs I gained in the first trimester has me fretting. You're not alone. :)

    I have read that some women, no matter how healthy they eat, had gained about the same amount and it stabled out throughout their pregnancy; they gained what they were supposed to.

    Needless to say I've gotten my butt in gear, started walking on the treadmill and am starting to eat much healthier/practicing self and portion control.
  • I have the pregnancy project DVDs too! They're great! Just wish I had more energy to commit to them. Sounds like you're super active as is (it's impressive!) Maybe try not to be too hard on yourself and enjoy the energy you have to even be able to do all of these things. It sounds like you're doing everything right (as I report to you live from my bed with no plans to get out of it!)
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