September 2015 Moms

Spring cleaning!

I have an appointment in the morning & if baby bear cooperates we'll find out the sex! I am so incredibly excited I was trying to find things to occupy me today. So... I turned the radio on, opened windows, & I got to cleaning! The house looks amazing & smells amazing too. Mentally I feel 100x better because I finally did things I was dreading. Perfect day! Now to watch a movie & cuddle with SO. Can't wait until tomorrow!

Anyone else Spring cleaning or have an exciting appointment tomorrow? Xoxo

Re: Spring cleaning!

  • Also, I've been feeling baby consistently for 2 days now! This is finally feeling real.
  • I wanted to clean today but I got another wonderful headache and ended up laying down. I did feel better and got a few little things done. I feel like I am ready to clean this whole place out!!!! I have my NT scan tomorrow and I can't wait!
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  • I woke up with a head ache today. I realized though if I drink a ton of water & take Tylenol it really helps. The weather changing is playing a role in mine for sure but so is dehydration. Can't keep up with the water intake because I pee constantly haha. Good luck tomorrow! Let me know how it goes!
  • Our house is always super clean (SO is a clean fa-reeeeak!), but I love a sunny day, nice weather, deep clean! There is nothing like cranking some tunes on a sunshiney day and just cleaning my little heart out. And getting around to the stuff that falls by the wayside - like emptying junk out of closets or hanging things on the walls. If I'm feeling real ambitious I'll even get something baking in the kitchen at the same time (I love to bake!  :x ) SO is one happy man when he comes home on days like that! The sunshine seriously gets me so much more energized, especially in those early wonderful spring days. 
  • Oh darn, that little x guy is supposed to be the heart one!
  • I just spent the past hour and a half going through all my cupboards and drawers in my bathroom! It felt GREAT to get rid of a bunch of products I don't use anymore or only had a tiny bit left of. Consolidated a ton of stuff too! Happy Spring cleaning! And good luck tomorrow! <3
  • I undecreated my Christmas tree last night. We had a death in the famiky in December and I've been so sick I just couldn't do it. Now maybe DF can help me move the tree out to the garage tonight and I can get everything else back in place. Plus I need to start packing up our kitchen so we can start out full kitchen remodel. My DF works 7 days a week 2nd shift so he's no use to me doing any house work.
  • This is my plan for tomorrow. Mondays are my day off right now and hubby works all day. I have been trying to use them to be extra productive, but the past few weeks it's been sleeping in and barely enough housework to get by.... but not tomorrow!!! I WILL BE PRODUCTIVE LOL. I miss the clean-smelling-everything-put-away home I was used to before this little one sucked all the life out of me!
  • I went through DS clothing and some of mine to donate, I washed all my laundry and even *gasp* folded it. We managed to clean most of our pasture out, thannk goodness for skid loaders but I still had some major manure throwing to do. Then we all got some ice cream and went to the park to end our Sunday. I was joking with myself that maybe I was nesting already, haha
  • I hope I have the energy to do this soon. 13w 2d, my house needs it bad.
  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    edited March 2015
    I have a lot of energy lately so definitely cleaning and enjoying some good weather for a change. Spent my last two days doing yard work and it looks great and I feel great. We have some rainy days coming so I'll clean indoors then. For now I'm soaking up the sun.
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  • v1wwov1wwo member
    This week I will finish my taxes and next week I'll spring clean!!!
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