September 2015 Moms

FTM seeking stroller advice from experienced mamas!

Hi mamas! I think my head might explode if I google search another stroller/travel system review :P Experienced mamas, what stroller system did you love? I have a few questions too: How useful or unnecessary did you find a snack tray for baby? Also, I want a stroller that will be compatible with the bucket style car seat and one that is also able to convert to a regular stroller. I can't seem to find a stroller that holds a car seat and also has the snack tray for once baby gets bigger. Any suggestions on what worked best for you? I don't think I'm ready for a convertible stroller (one that works for more than 1 baby) yet, but I may be wrong, considering I haven't researched those strollers at all. Help please & thank you in advance! :]

Re: FTM seeking stroller advice from experienced mamas!

  • I don't have any experience with strollers, but I've been looking at an Eddie Bauer one that comes with a car seat. It has a snack tray for mom and baby, plus it's getting really good reviews (much better than the Graco Stroller) and it's reasonably priced. Target has them. Everybody I've talked to says Bobs strollers are worth their weight in gold ( they certainly cost that much) but they don't come with any accessories and I can't see spending the money when we are 1 and done. I'm going to see if I can find a used one.
  • slp213psuslp213psu member
    edited March 2015
    Have you checked out the book Baby Bargains? Amazing chapter on strollers and all in one place.

    I have both an UppaBaby Vista and a BOB. Both have a simple piece to convert to hold the infant carrier and then a regular seat.
    I haven't researched well yet but I believe the uppababy vista also will convert to hold an infant seat and a toddler seat.

    I have a snack tray on both and they are necessary because I do an hour mommy and me stroller class where DD is in the stroller for 45 minutes.

    In this class I mostly see the Baby Jogger City Mini and the Baby Trend (Jogger, don't know the name). They appear to do everything you ask too.

    Another option instead of snack tray, you don't need it until baby eats puffs or Cheerios or finger foods. You can also use those lidded snack cups and use a "Dropper Stopper" (avail on Amazon) to hold a cup and/or paci and/or snack cup.
    Good luck I remember those awful research days!!!!
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  • Thank you @missliz53 I'll look into the Eddie Bauer. I've heard good things about the brand in the past. I'm trying to keep the price for the whole package reasonable too since a stroller and car seat are only one small slice of this whole baby equation :P
  • I loved my Chicco Travel system--the car seat is the Keyfit 30 & the stroller is the Cortina. It has the tray & a cup holder on it which I definitely liked.
  • @slp213psu thank you so much. I really appreciate your advice! I haven't read Baby Bargains but I just may head out and buy it today! Lol... Honestly! Which of your 2 strollers do you prefer?
  • I've had a great experience with britax. I have the b-ready stroller and had the b-safe infant carrier car seat with my son. As an infant the car seat easily snaps into place on the stroller and can face either direction. The stroller also comes with the toddler seat for when he's older. What's nice is it can also convert into a stroller for two kids once you buy one additional accessory. We will be purchasing that soon.
  • I love the baby trend stroller travel system. Great for traveling, exercise and ease of steering. If you don't have the trunk space though, it's a bit tough to take.
  • Just go to the store and try a bunch out to see what you like. Push it all over the store and through the racks to get and idea how it handles.

    I always had the graco snap and go at first which was just the base I could put the car seat in (so great!) Then I had a peg perego Vella stroller that was small and lightweight (great in the mall and on sidewalks, but stinks in grass). When I had two I had the graco duoglider which I like (heavy, but great!!). Now I have a sit and stand that my oldest is 4 so she can stand up too (hard to steer, but still like it).

    None of those are jogging strollers though or would be good for that. I'm more of a walk around the neighborhood and mall stroller user. I've been overall, pleased with them all! I'm trying to figure out what to do with 3 under 5 now...

    I would go for something with a tray and cup holder if you can. Makes life do much easier and the kids love having their little snacks and drink especially around the mall.
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  • I second baby bargains! Awesome book! I got it with my first and it's great advice.
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  • I didn't use strollers with my first three until they could walk. I wore my babies everywhere we went. As for a car seat, we bought the Britax that goes up to 95 pounds. I love wearing my babies, and it made breastfeeding so much easier. :-). And the lack of a stroller aced on trunk space.
  • slp213psuslp213psu member
    edited March 2015
    @mariessa02 I love the UppaBaby but it's way more than I need. It's definitely a city person/main mode of transport stroller. Huuuuge basket so great for mall trips too (especially now with coats and hats, etc). Easy to maneuver but wide back wheels so I clip a lot of edges and doors. I keep it in my garage for neighborhood and park walks, only switch it to the car for mall. I also used it with the infant carrier instead of a cart for moderate grocery trips (not big gallons or bulk trips). We only got this splurge because my in laws offered to buy it and we got it for $150 cheaper because we got "last year's color" from Buy Buy Baby. Also it is all inclusive with bassinet and some other accessories (not snack tray :( so we used the bassinet as our main place for DD to sleep (on also available bassinet holder) for the first 3 months of her life at my bedside.

    But once I got the BOB and realized how much lighter it was I loved it, but more because I'm a runner. I trained for a half marathon with my BOB but if you don't need it for fitness you really don't need it and it's basket is tight. I also always get the feeling DD is a little slouched, sometimes I roll a blanket behind her back. Very easy to maneuver though and great all terrain.
  • @Lisa9926 Thank you! Hubby and I just made a Babies-R-Us date for Tuesday :D I definitely want to test drive a few before making a decision! @Nikkilenae I would love to baby wear too but I know I'll need a car seat and I am a little worried about when baby falls asleep in the car seat, I want to be sure that the car seat I pick can fit into a stroller for certain occasions. I'm sure there will be times when I want to let the little one continue on sleeping without disturbing her/him. Were you able to transfer to wrap without waking your LO? I'm also thinking about day trips, walks, and outings that a stroller may come in handy in addition to baby wearing. So maybe I'll just be a part time baby carrier :P We'll see!
  • I love my Britax B-agile stroller. I had a baby trends jogger first and hated it! It was hard to fold and very bulky.
  • I am a FTM, but I second going to the store and trying a bunch! I did a bunch of research and then we went today to take a look. Everything I thought I liked I hated! They were way too big and heavy! We didn't buy anything but now I have a new starting point for my research! Good luck on Tuesday!
  • I have the Graco Quattro Tour travel system and I love it. It comes with the snack tray, car seat, base, and all the accessories so you don't have to buy anything separate. I feel like it has tons of storage (which is really helpful!), rides really smoothly, and is pretty easy to fold up. I really liked having the snack tray - it was great for being out and about and allowing the boys to snack or even have a place to set toys. It's really affordable and you can likely find it on sale somewhere. In fact, I liked it so much that I bought the double stroller version when DS#2 came along. My only "con" is that its a little heavy and bulky, but you will find that with any good quality durable stroller (and with most travel systems) you will find some of that. It certainly wasn't too heavy for my slender lightweight frame to handle on a regular basis.

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  • I am a mother of 2 and have had the Bugaboo Chamleon stroller system (same stroller for both) - it is incredibly well built, durable, easy in/out of the car, pushes really nicely on many different surfaces (city streets, sidewalks, mall, etc). It was expensive up front but it was a gift from my in laws and we still use it to this day! It has car seat adapters for when baby is an infant; it has bassinet as well for infant stage. The seat tilts as baby grows. We have never had a snack tray :) Not sure why I guess I just never saw it as necessary. We now have a wheelie board that attaches for my older son to ride on when he doesn't want to walk or I don't want to bring the double stroller somewhere. It has a large basket underneath, holds mommy hooks/bags nicely, has cup holder attachment, etc. I really love it! I plan to use it again this time with #3. {It was purchased in 2010} 
  • FTM who was obsessed with this subject until this morning, lol. I followed a lot of the advice that was given here, I went into BRU and tried them out. I waited for one particular associate as I listened to her speaking to other customers and I felt she knowledgeable.

    I originally went in thinking about Chicco Ketfit and Britax. However I ended up deciding on Baby Trend. One I love the car seat handle. I put my purse in the seat and had the car seat resting in my forearm. It felt the most comfortable. One thing about Baby Trend car seats is the seat release from the base is in the front so you'll be reaching down in between the car seat and the back seat. This may be an issue for some. Then I looked at their strollers. I decided on a jogger. I feel that non-jogger stroller wheels are flimsy. I will be walking with the baby, but I'm not a runner. Someone mentioned that the tires on the joggers are bulky. With the Baby Trend Velocity Jogger, I know the color Bumble Bee does at least, the wheels can come off.

    In the end we're going with the Baby Trend Inertia car seat and Velocity jogging stroller in Bumble Bee. Don't know if we're having a boy or girl yet, but it's gender neutral. Also helps that it's kinda Steelers colors.
  • I have a baby jogger city mini GT. I had a travel system with it and didn't use the snack tray until recently when my son got older. We had a belly bar that he could hold onto and attach toys and such to. Now that he's a toddler, the tray is nice for snacks, it has a cup holder, and is big enough for him to put his toys and such on. It lays all the way flat, and looks like a jogging stroller with all terrain wheels. It has great storage, and a lot of accessories if you so choose, and folds flat with one hand. It also has a hand brake instead of a foot brake which I love. You should check out their website, I love my stroller and it didn't cost over $500. (I've also had just a basic Graco stroller, which was cumbersome and difficult to fold and didn't lay down flat. So I've done both and really love baby jogger. :) )
  • Awesome! Thank you so much For sharing, ladies :] I really appreciate all the descriptions you are giving me! I feel like I am a lot more prepared for Tuesday. I know there are so many options and it all depends on what the mama's personal preferences are.
  • I've had a great experience with britax. I have the b-ready stroller and had the b-safe infant carrier car seat with my son. As an infant the car seat easily snaps into place on the stroller and can face either direction. The stroller also comes with the toddler seat for when he's older. What's nice is it can also convert into a stroller for two kids once you buy one additional accessory. We will be purchasing that soon.

    We have the Britax too. I love it for trips to the mall but honestly we get more use out of our Bob. A lot of your stroller decision depends upon your lifestyle.
  • I have the same setup as @slp213psu. And I think she's right, the Uppababy does have an option to convert it to a two seater. I've loved it because it folds up fairly compact (I drive a MINI and it fits in the boot) and I could use it for exercising. Also, the basket underneath could fit a grocery load. The only negative I've found is the width of the wheels when you're out shopping in department stores.
  • I don't remember ever wishing I had a stroller. My husband and I both had a ring sling (very comfortable), so when I needed a break I handed baby off to him. We wore baby to the zoo, Disneyland, grocery shopping, etc. As for waking baby, I never had a problem. I just popped baby in, tightened the fabric, and went about my day. :-). Hope this helps.
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