September 2015 Moms

Anything good today?!

I have seen a lot of not good posts about crappy things and worries...and I've posted some. Anyways, I wanted to hear what was going good today.

For me I bought some maternity pants and they are amazing! I never want to wear anything else ever again. I can sit without feeling squished. And the family and I had pizza movie night. It was great. It was Big Hero 6, if anyone was looking for something good.

Hope to hear all your good stuff too! 
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Re: Anything good today?!

  • I spent the day with my husband ( who works a ton) and my son. We went shopping and ate yummy food out. It was a good Saturday.
  • My mom & sister are visiting! We took my boys to the play place at the mall, and my youngest had his first hair cut. That part was bittersweet, but he looks much better!
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  • @kehags My son is 10 years old and I still get a little upset when I get his hair cut. It's so pretty when it's longer, but then it starts to look like a mop. 
    <a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie First Birthday tickers" /></a>

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

  • Any day my husband doesn't have duty is a good day! Took the Jeep off-roading and got it nice and muddy. Grilled cheese for dinner and then "drinks" with friends (obviously, I'll be sticking to cranberry and seltzer water, but the social element sure is nice!)
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Love @bonniecouture !! You always have the most exciting kind of news!! :D
  • How good is lasagna tho? Amiright?! :x @barrelocarol
  • @bonniecouture We bonded over my "can I eat this lasagna even though it sat out for hours" post!!
  • =)) =)) =)) the answer to that would always be YES @barrelocarol
  • I threw a crock pot luck party.
  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    Did a ton of yard work today, built a garden bed, burnt sticks in our firepit (we have a huge pile of old, dead sticks), grilled out, then went to craft night (adult ladies only, no kids or husbands). Just got home and I'm crashed in bed playing on my phone now. I already feel sore and I know I'll be useless tomorrow but my yard is looking awesome.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Big Hero 6 is so stinkin cute! My husband laughed so hard he cried haha. The weather was beautiful today so I walked and also ate delicious barbecue ribs for dinner. And I bought baby her first onesie!!! image
  • @ktbkitten thanks for this post!! Nice to read happy things :D

    @mrscaterosales awwww that onesie is so sweet!!

    Lovely to hear all you ladies have had a nice day!! I have too, my best friend & Boyf did the 300mile round trip to come see us (with some lovely congrats flowers!!) which was lovely!! Took them for fish & chips on the seafront, with the sun shining!!

    Waking up today for a lovely chill out day with Hubby, pooches & in laws. Although I've been woken up a tad early by my noisy chickens haha!! (The downside of it being sunny!!) but at least they pay their way in eggs!! :p
  • I had a dance recital yesterday and I didn't screw up! ( my baby brain is really struggling with learning choreography) Also my flower bulbs are starting to come up and the hollyhock seeds I have in a window box are doing great! I can't wait to start gardening. We are going to the lake cabin today and it's supposed to be close to 70. Even though it's too cold to swim it will be nice to sit on the deck and bask in the sunshine. And my mom is bringing the stash of baby clothes, toys, and cd's she's been collecting so I'm excited to see what she got.
  • My husband and dad drove to the middle of nowhere to pick up a new-to-me dryer after our old one died two weeks ago. And yesterday was my son's second birthday and we had a really fun, low key party. Oh, and I'm making corned beef and potatoes and cabbage for dinner!
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