September 2015 Moms

People are terrible.

so I'm moving to a new apartment next Friday (not by choice, "DH" admitted to cheating.. Again.) and I went to go buy furniture yesterday. I don't know if its hormones or just being angry in general but i almost strangled the salesman for stalking me around the store.
I feel like I might be turning into a psychopath.

Re: People are terrible.

  • So sorry ur going through this is all because ur so angry inside about ur situation... it must b so hard just keep ur head up n think about ur beautiful baby that will make u feel happy... I went through a lot with my ex husband believe me ull b fine
    Good luck sweetie :)
  • It sounds like you're going through a lot and I'm thinking that any woman in your shoes might be a little less tolerant of people. I'm really sorry you're going through this. I'm also glad to hear that you are standing up for what you know to be right.
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  • Wow...I can't even imagine. GOOD FOR YOU! You and your baby are it and you can do this!!

    As for stalky salesmen...preggo or not, I could just rip into them!
  • You're far from a psychopath! Sounds like you've got it pretty rough right now. Luckily you have a miracle inside of you to keep you company and bring you happiness. Hang in there sister!
  • Good for you ! I had a cheating x-husband while it sucked going through a divorce, i had felt the best i ever have leaving him. You will be an awesome mom. I probably would have been mad at the sales stalker to, come on they are ridiculous to follow you around constantly
  • so sorry you're going thro this :(
  • Sorry your going this!!!
  • So sorry you're going through this. You sound like a very strong woman though and I think you made a really good decision to leave. It may not have been an easy choice to make but you deserve better! And no you are not crazy. Pregnancy in itself is stressful then add an ass of a DH to the equation and being edgy is a given. Just keep your head up and know we are all here for you! And next time some creep follows you around kindly ask where the nearest toilet is because your morning sickness is brutal!
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