With my first pregnancy i had a doctor that was amazing and over the top. I got lucky though because i was assigned to him but hes been gone for about a year now and i have to see someone else. Well i finally met the doctor that is supposed to follow my pregnancy and deliver the baby but she was awful. There was no connection our thoughts on delivery were different which got me super nervous. Anywho..i found out my insurance covers a certified midwife and there is a womens center here in town and i was wondering what you ladies thought? Any moms of multiple births that have tried both midwife and doctor. What were your experiances like?
Hopefully going to tour that facility next week but thought id get feedback here first. Thanks ladies
Re: midwife vs doctor
I guess my question is what are your reservations in using a midwife? If you already met a Dr you didn't like, I suppose I don't understand what the concern would be to switching to a midwife since the two are pretty interchangeable in my head.
Now there is a stark difference between medically managed birth (usually OBs and some hospital midwives) and midwifery model of care. Perhaps research what "midwifery model of care" means and if that applies to what you're looking for when it comes to you and baby.
My opinion: I love my midwife. The midwifery model of care is what I wholeheartedly believe in. But I don't dismiss the importance of OBs for women who prefer their model of care or in a high risk situation. My hope is that one day there's more harmony between the two professions. There are in some places but I mean that I hope to see that as the norm and not the exception.
What I meant is I think there is a lot of misunderstanding in what a midwife is trained to be able to handle. I just wanted to make it clear when it comes to capabilities there are very few things a midwife can't do that an OB can aside from surgery. I think a lot of people, not saying any of this is what the OP thinks more just general population, think of midwives as not as well trained or capable when in reality they are VERY well trained and often more trained in some areas. OBs have to focus on the surgical aspect as well whereas midwives can spend all their time focusing on honing techniques for typical deliveries. They are also trained in emergent situations so don't let that dissuade you. I hope I was more clear about what I meant.
We've chosen a midwife this time and we are feeling very comfortable. She is such a pro. Her appointments are 2 hrs for the first one and 45 minutes after that. She saw me yesterday to reassure me after a car accident and we are very pleased with her.
These are purely my very specific personal opinions and experiences. Best of luck finding the person that makes you feel safe and confident!!